Poor Unfortunate Soul...

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Music class with Sibyl

Mary: Todays we will listen to a singing battle. The prize is Alice.

Pierce: I love that prize.

Mary: Vivaldi, please pick the song.

Vivaldi: Poor unfortunate soul from the little mermaid. (Don't judge me. I played Jetsam in my high school production and it's my favorite song)

Sibyl: You're going down.

Mary: Begin.

This type of song (but all female voices). Vivaldi sings the first half and Sibyl sings the second half. When the song is ending Alice sides with Vivaldi.

Mary: And the winner is Vivaldi.

Sibyl: Alice how could you.

Sibyl runs off crying.

Vivaldi: She'll get over it.

Alice runs after Sibyl. Alice and Sibyl are sitting in the hallway.

Alice: I can explain.

Sibyl: Just leave me alone. I thought I could trust you.

Alice: You can, it's just complicated.

Sibyl: I've known you longer Alice. I was your friend before them.

Alice: That isn't all true...

Sibyl: What do you mean?

Alice: I knew them before I meet you.

Sibyl: How?

Blood is in the hallway and walks to Alice and Sibyl.

Blood: She visited us.

Alice: Brett!

Blood: Remember, our parents were old friends.

Alice: Oh yeah. They would always leave to see you.

Blood: One time they brought Alice and we became friends. With all of us.

Sibyl: Really?

Alice: My parents knew Brett's family and I meet everyone because they were neighbors.

Blood: In fact, Alice's godparents are my parents. Lorina was old enough to take care of Alice, so she stayed here.

Alice: Because I wanted to stay with my friends?

Sibyl: I had no idea. I'm sorry Alice. I thought we did something wrong.

Alice: Never think that. Ever. No matter what.

Sibyl: Alright.

Alice: No matter what happens. Even when things seem,

Blood: Impossible.

Sibyl: You have my word.

Sibyl hugs Alice and Pierce comes running down the hallway.

Pierce: BRETT! You can't just leave class.

Blood: Why?

Pierce: Because I wanted to help Alice.

Sibyl: Neighbor?

Alice: Big time!

Blood: Let's go Princess.

Sibyl: See you at the party.

Sibyl runs to class.

Alice: Nice thinking with the story.

Blood: I thought that might happen. We all agreed that was the story.

Alice: Thinking ahead.

Blood: The big party is coming up, and I was wondering if you would like to go with me.

Class is over. Boris. Ace, Dee, Dum, Peter, Elliot, and Vivaldi run up to Alice.

Boris: Alice will you go to the dance with...

Ace: No will you go...

Dee and Dum: With us!

Peter: No! Me!

Elliot: You'd have a better time with me.

Alice: You all want to go with me.

Ace: I guess.

Alice: How about we go in one big group.

Peter: As long as I escort you in.

Alice: Mister Hatter here beat you to it.

Blood: Princess.

Blood holds his hand out and Alice takes it. Alice and Blood walk down the hallway together.

Peter: I wanted to.

Vivaldi: Stop complaining.

Peter: Get used to it. This is what you sound like all the time.

Peter bounces off after them. 

Vivaldi: If I could, I would fire you. 

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