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Lunch time. It is Halloween day and everyone at school is in their costumes

Elliot: When did you get my clothes?

Dee: When you guys were picking out your costumes.

Elliot: I never gave you permission.

Dee: Look at me. I'm a dumb rabbit. Bang! Bang!

Elliot: HARE!

Dum: Shut up rabbit, I'm the boss. Get me some black tea and bring Alice to my room.

Elliot: Blood doesn't sound like that.

Dum: Yes he does.

Blood: I never say that.

Dum: You think it.

Alice: Changing the subject, you guys nervous? I'm a little scared.

Blood: You'll do fine.

Alice: Speak for yourself. You're a good singing.

Blood: One of my many gifts.

Peter: I'll make sure you look good Alice. It's not going to be hard when you're next to him.

Alice: Be nice, Peter.

Ace: We better get going. Ramin and Ralph are coming over.

Alice: Please stay.

Ramin and Ralph come over to the table.

Alice: Hi guys.

Ramin: Nice outfit. Ice Princess?

Alice: Yes. What are you guys supposed to be?

Ralph: I'm a warrior. Check out my awesome jacket!

Ramin: I'm a warlock. I really admired the stitching.

Ralph: Vivaldi, looking good.

Ramin: Are those cat ears real.

Ramin and Ralph laugh.

Boris: You can't prove anything.

Ramin: This guy's hilarious.

Ralph: I came over to tease you, but there's nothing to tease about. Oh... Sibyl told me you had a boyfriend.

Peter: She's my girlfriend. Isn't it great? Jealous?

Ramin: We know it's not you, it's him.

Ramin points to Blood.

Ramin: You're Alice's boyfriend right?

Blood: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Alice: I thought you wanted to be my boyfriend.

Blood: You wanted to talk about it later.

Alice: What do you want!

Blood: Whatever you want princess.

Alice: It's time to go to class. 

The group walks over to the music room

Mary: Today is the day where you'll all present your band. I'll pick one winner from each class and at the party they'll compete for first place.

Pierce: What's the prize?

Mary: A chance to win a mouse and cat.

Pierce: Ek!

Boris: Why together. I want a rabbit and a hare.

Dee: How about a nice hat?

Dum: With a cane.

Blood: Black tea.

Ace: I'd like a clock.

Alice: I know Ace.

Mary: I haven't decided what the prize is.


Mary: No! I got it. Pierce take notes. The winning band will get tickets for all the members to see the circus.

Boris: That actually sounds fun. I want to see a circus.

Mary: Wonders, would you like to go.

Peter: I believe they're ready. Alice?

Alice: Might as well. Just to get it over with.

The Wonders take the stage and sing a super cool song (I was thinking an Uta No Prince Sama song cuz I was really into that when writing this lol. This is the song I envisioned when writing this)

Pierce: That was awesome!

Vivaldi: Nice job dear.

Peter: Alice my love, you sang like an angel.

Blood: It was an honor.

Blood kisses Alice's hand.

Peter: Get away from her, you pervert.

Alice: If anyone is the pervert, it's you.

Peter: No, I am Peter White.

Mary: Good job Wonders. Next!

Fast forward to the end of class

Mary: And the band that'll perform at the party, The Wonders. Congratulations.

Boris: It was my mad drumming skills.

Vivaldi: Oh Kitty.

Ace: Sure kitty cat.

Boris: Cheshire cat.

Mary: We will work on something for the party. Good job everyone!

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