Amusement Park

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Ace was still trying to process all that Alice had explained to him. He didn't want her to leave him. Who was he supposed to get lost with? It couldn't be Peter, because Ace hated the guy. Vivaldi hates walk through the dirt and Julius is always in the tower. Now that Ace thought of it, Alice was his real only friend.

"Why do you want to leave? Are you not happy here?" Ace was still denying the fact that Alice want to leave.

"I am happy here. It's a beautiful world. And I don't want to leave."

Ace was confused. If she thinks it's beautiful and she's happy here than why does she want to leave! Ace's brain started to hurt from the confusion

" I know that I put everyone at risk of getting killed and I'll never really fit in. I just..."

"Did Julius tell you all of this crap!" Ace blurted. He wasn't even listening to Alice anymore.

"Why does everyone think Julius told me to leave?!" Alice cried. She loved Julius, as a friend, and wanted to defended him from all of this.

"Well you have been spending A LOT of time there. I mean the other day Peter was about to storm over there to get you," Ace started to laugh. He thought the best enjoyment, other than Alice, was when Peter got mad.

"That sounds like Peter," Alice laughed. "Why does everyone want me to themselves?"

"I would have done the same, except Julius knows me to well. You have an amazing heart. Did Peter ever tell you what he loved about you, other than you being yourself," Ace asked. "It's because your heart has the perfect rhythm! Not to fast, but not to slow. That's what I like most about you." Alice wanted to be loved for who she was, not her heart. Alice was a little heartbroken. Ace was one of her best friends. Ace started to notice that he had said something wrong, but he never figured it out.

"I like you for a lot of other reasons too Alice. You're a great person to be around," Ace smiled. Alice started to cheer up. Ace loved it when Alice showed only him her smile. Ace picked up Alice bridal style. "And you're so easy to carry. I love it when you're heart gets scared!"

And with that, Ace carried Alice for the last time. They walked through the the wood without getting lost. Ace put Alice down once they arrived at the Amusement Park gate.

"Is this where we say our goodbyes?" Ace asked with a tear.

"More like see you soon. I know Peter will find a way for me to come back".

"I'll make sure to come up with Peter, when we come and get you. I've always wanted to know what it's like up there," Ace smiled. Alice was going to miss Ace. He always found a way to brighten the room with his smile.

"Try convincing Peter, but it would be nice to see you. I better..." Alice tried opening the gate, but it was locked. The sky had turned into night. That meant the park was CLOSED! "What are we going to do. Once we walk back to the castle, it'll be morning again." Ace are you even listening to me?" Alice turned around to see Ace had already set up camp. There was a tent and Ace was building the fire.

"Perfect timing Alice". Alice rolled her eyes. "Alice, I was wondering. Could I listen to your heartbeat when we fall asleep?" Alice nodded. The two went into the tent and waited for morning.

When the sun arose, there were three instead of two in the tent. A little friend was on top of Alice. A cat.

"What the heck?!" Ace said with surprise. "Whose cat is that?" The cat ignored Ace and only cuddles with Alice, pacifically around her heart.

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