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Wonderland? That was where Peter brought Alice. In all her dreams, she was always in Wonderland, but this time it was real. Alice visited this bizarre world where life is meaningless and hails of bullets come from every direction. The inhabitants are divided into "The faceless" and "The Role Holders". The faceless are just cards compared to the courts of the role holders. In the Country of Hearts, there are 4 territories. 

The first is Hearts Castle. The Queen of Hearts, Vivaldi, is in charge. She is beautiful, but loves to have people's heads chopped off.

~Vivaldi is in her trial room~
Vivaldi looked down at the faceless servant in front of her. The King of Hearts stood tall, trying to take charge, but could not. He knew if he said anything, he would get his head chopped off.

"OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" Vivaldi ordered. The guards dragged him out of the room, with the faceless servant begging for mercy.

"Isn't that a bit harsh? He only forgot one of your stuff animals when he was making your bed," the King stated. Vivaldi looked at him with death in her eyes.

"Do you want to be NEXT!" Vivaldi screamed. The King was speechless. He took a step back, realizing that he couldn't do anything.

~Peter is in the garden with two faceless guards~
The White Rabbit and Prime Minister of Hearts Castle, Peter White. He was the one who first brought Alice to Wonderland. He is very much in love with her. He is cold to everyone, but his one true love.

Peter looked down at the guards. "Why weren't you able to get to your post on time. I'm sorry, but you must be put on trial."

~Ace is in the corridor with two faceless maids~
The Knave of Hearts, Ace. He's got no sense of direction and gets lost in the castle he lives in.

Ace started a little camp fire in the middle of the corridor. The maids were trying to get him away from. He went through his bag and pulled out a piece of chicken. He put it on a stick and started to roast it over the fire. The maids were trying to think off way they could help him,

"Ace? You're going to catch the whole castle of fire," one of the maids told him. Ace looked up at the maid. He grabbed the chicken and walked over to her.

"You want someone chicken faceless maid?!" Ace started to chuckle while the maids ran over to put out the fire. Ace continued to eat the chicken and walked around the castle, still lost.

The second territory is the Amusement Park. There's Mary Gowland, the amusement park owner. He's pretty laid back and tries to be cool. He also makes terrible music.

~Gowland is playing his violin~
Gowland wanted the whole park to listen to his new song. Sadly, no one wanted to hear it. He wasn't the best musical person in the world... He can't learn how to play any instrument to save his life!

Boris was enjoying his time at the park until he heard the death of the violin. Boris ran up to Gowland.

"Are you trying to kill everyone! If you keep playing, people won't come here anymore!" Boris threatened. Mary didn't care what other people thought about his music. He continued to play.

Boris Airay is the resident Cheshire Cat who lives at the Amusement Park.  He loves to tell riddles! He also gets pissed whenever Gowland starts to play the violin.

Boris pulled out his Kalashnikov automatic AK-47 and shot it right at Gowland's violin. Sadly, the violin took no damage and continued to play.

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