Wonderland is back

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That summer, Alice started to forget her friends in Wonderland. Every time she completely forgot someone, their rose would wilt and die.

The white rose turned brown, and floated to the ground. Next the red one with the yellow following. Each day a rose would fall off the bush. The coffee, silver, iris, sapphire, and hot pink roses got blown away by the wind. The two roses that were connected, disjointed from each other, falling in different directions. The shadow rose and the ruby rose came crashing to the ground, making Alice forget about them as well. The last rose to fall of was the emerald. And when it finally came off, Alice didn't care, for she had forgotten all about her Wonderland friends. The rose bush started to wilt and die, and before school started, disappeared.

The new school year started and everyone was not in a good mood. More school = more homework = no more fun. But Alice was in a good mood. She was no longer heart broken, and she was glad to finally see her group of friends! Sibyl, Amy, Ramin, and Ralph were all sitting down at lunch waiting for Alice to join them.

"And that is how I will get to Prom!" Amy announced her friends. Ramin wasn't really paying attention and was looking else where. Alice walked over and Amy started to cheer at her! "Hello again Alice! Long time I've seen you!" Alice smiled and took her seat by Sibyl.

"Hey Alice! Do you want to go shopping after school?" Sibyl asked. "I get bored easily and I won't except that school has started." Alice checked her calendar on her phone and gave a thumbs up.

"Of course. Sounds like fun!" Alice had keep to herself the whole summer. She didn't hang out with friends anywhere, but she did keep in touch with them.

"Can I come along?" Amy wailed. Sibyl shock her head no, knowing Amy was joking. Amy hated shopping, and she would complain the whole time. Amy laughed at the idea of trying on dresses.

"Can I come along," Ralph mimicked Amy. Sibyl grabbed Ralph and responded with a yes. Ralph was terrified, and regretted every life choice he had done that day. Ramin was still not paying attention to his friends, but he was looking at someone.

"Hey guys. Have you seen those new kids?" Ramin questioned. They all turned to look at him.

"NO! What are you talking about," Amy asked. She walked over to Ramin and looked in the same direction. It took awhile to figure out where he was looking, but she eventually found them. "Oh my goodness!"

"What? Are they hot!?" Sibyl shrieked. She walked over and looked at them as well. "They're all so good looking! I want glasses over there." Sibyl pointed to the one with glasses and white hair, but soon found a new favorite. "Wait new favorite! Blonde!" Amy and Sibyl looked at the one with long golden corn hair and violet eyes. They were fangirling over boys again!

"Okay, I want to see them as well," Alice wanted to join in. She found a group of the new kids waiting outside of the main office. They were all very beautiful! Alice wasn't surprised that Sibyl and Amy were in love, because Alice was also. The one Sibyl had a crush on first looked over at their table and looked straight into Alice's eyes. He had a serious look on his face, but soon it turned into the biggest smile Alice had ever seen! He ran away from the group and right over to Alice. He pulled her close to him and would not let go.

"ALICE! I'VE FINALLY FOUND YOU!" the new boy cheered. "YOU HAVE MADE ME THE HAPPIEST MAN IN THE WORLD!" Alice had no idea who this weirdo was! She pushed him away and tried to catch her breath. Sibyl, Amy, Ralph, and Ramin were very confused.

"Um... Alice, do you know this guy," Amy pointed to him. He was blushing waiting for an answer.

"He seems annoying," Sibyl stated in a royal manner. The man didn't seem to care that the whole cafeteria was watching him. They all thought he was either crazy or handsome. Or both! Alice was trying to remember if she had ever meet him, but couldn't.

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