Cat and Master

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Alice and Boris were both seated by the warm fire. Alice was reading a book for one of her classes while Boris was stretching on the carpet. Alice looked up to see that Boris was very bored. It had been a long day at school and Alice knew something was wrong with him.

"Do you want to talk about anything?" Alice asked in a calming voice. Boris looked over in her direction and shrugged. She set her book down on the couch and slid next to Boris. He scooted over to be seated next to her. 

"It's just. At school..." Boris hesitated. "It's really hard to control myself. I just want all the people to disappear and I want to turn into a cat to stay in your arms."  Boris rested his head in Alice's lap and she began to stroke his hair. He purred from the excitement. Alice knew she was being selfish. Everyone hated going to school and she had no idea how they had put up with it for this long without killing anyone. 

"I'm sorry," Alice apologized. Boris gave her a Cheshire smile, letting her know that everything will be okay. They had been here for almost a month, so that must mean it was the end of October. Wait, the end of October! "Boris. Do you want to do something fun?" Boris perked up, ear and all, eagerly waiting to hear.

"What is it Alice?!"

"At the end of October, we celebrate Halloween," Alice jested. "We celebrated it in Wonderland. I think it would be really cool to dress up!" Boris smiled. He liked dressing up in weird costumes. He would be able to wear his normal outfit to school, but that would be boring.

"Come with me Alice." Boris grabbed Alice's arm and dragged her down the hallways. One could get lost in all this madness. They arrived in front of Boris room. He slowly opened the door and gestured for Alice to enter. Alice sat down gracefully on his bed while Boris ran into his closet. About 5 minutes later, he exited in an entirely different outfit! "Isn't it cool Alice! I bought it at the park and they made it just for me!"

Alice could tell it was made for him. He looked very cute. Magenta and pink suited the cat very nicely, and it was nice to see him wear a smile as well. She had missed it. 

"The best part of this costume Alice is that I can show my cat ears and no one will know they're real!" Boris cheered. "Unless Ralph tries to take them. But I'll take him out first before he can even look at them." Boris did his iconic Cheshire smile. It made Alice feel somewhat guilty.

"Do you like it here..." Alice chipped. "In my world?" Boris tilted his head, thinking. He just shrugged.

"This world isn't too bad. I still remember the first time you talked about this world. The freedom, diversity, the scenery. Ever since then, I had always wanted to come here. And now I am here. It just feels weird. But don't get me wrong, I would much rather be back home in the Country of Hearts." Boris looked up, remembering his world. "That's where I belong" He walked over to where Alice was seated on his bed. "I'm glad I can be here with you though..." 

Alice had a feeling where this was going, but she was still in her own world. She felt terrible about how long her friends had been staying in her world. She was a selfish person and she had no idea why anyone would do all of this for her. 

"Alice~" Boris leaned in and caressed her lips. Her faced started to turn as pink as the cat. Their lips combined as Alice gave in. Boris quickly released and got up from the bed. "I'm sorry." He blushed.  "I shouldn't have done that. It was ungentlemanly and wrong. I won't do that again." Alice nodded her head, in embarrassment as well. This type of thing had happened a lot in Wonderland.  

"We should go find the other and talk about our project on Halloween." Alice changed the topic. "We have to practice for Gowland's class and out manager, Peter, hasn't done anything." Boris chuckled. Alice grabbed his hand and they both raced to the dining hall to alert the others of their ideas. 



This must be a surprise. I'm actually updating the story, what, a year later? I am so sorry. I have been super busy and this is not at the top of my list. But I decided to finally finish this chapter for the people who are still reading this. I'm thinking it might just be easier to post the script, because that was done in 2015 XD. Anyway, thank you guys for reading. Like, comment, and follow.

- Blair Anderson

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