No place like home

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Alice opened the door to her room and flopped right on to the bed. She was so tired and just wanted to sleep. But she couldn't just sleep in her normal clothes. She got up and walked over to her dresser. She pulled out her nightgown and laid it on her bed.

"Soon, I'll be home," Alice whispered to herself. She was getting ready to take off her dress when her mouth got covered. She didn't know what to do, because she couldn't fight back. The touch of the hand was so warm, but the hand was covered by a white glove. Soon the other hand covered her eyes. She was getting kidnaped! But by who?

"Hello again, Princess." That voice. Alice could recognize it anywhere. It was Blood! Alice tried to get out of his grasp, but he was to strong. He held on to her so tight that it was starting to hurt Alice. Soon Blood released his hand from Alice's mouth and put a blindfold over her eyes instead. He threw her over his shoulders, and Alice started to kick her legs. Blood seemed to be enjoying himself.

"BLOOD! LET ME GO!" Alice screamed! She realized that Blood always had a gun on him and changed the way she talked. "Blood, could you at least not kill me?"

"As you wish (Princess Bride quotes)." Blood set her down, but the floor was covered in carpet instead of tile like in the Clock Tower. Blood pulled Alice's blind fold off and she saw where she was. Alice didn't want to be there. She was in the Hatter's Mansion, again!

"Blood, I picked the Clock Tower to leave for a reason!" Alice distressed. She still needed to reach Nightmare and Gray.

"Alice, I know what you're think. They're not going to your world," Blood confessed. Alice gave him a funny look. She could invite who ever she wanted, and Blood could do nothing about it.

"And why would you say that?" Alice demanded. Blood was not making any sense. He walked over to the door and revealed Elliot holding keys.

"Because you are staying here forever," Blood replied. Alice stood there shocked with his answer. She needed to go home, and Blood was going to keep her as his prisoner. "Elliot, make sure to lock the room." Elliot nodded his head and let Blood leave the room. Alice raced over, but Elliot slammed the door in her face. She heard the little click, signaling that the door was locked. Alice didn't want to be here against her will. She had things to do, and a life to live. She tried to push to door open, but she was to weak.

"What am I supposed to do! I need to find a way out of here," Alice cried. No one was going to open the door except Blood or Elliot and the room had no window. Alice cried on the bed. She was about to pull out her handkerchief, when she felt her vial. The vial was still full and ready to drink. Alice knew the only way to get out was to drink it.

Alice heard a knock at the door. Blood opened the door, stepped in, and quickly closed the door behind him. Blood walked over to where Alice was standing and he had an apologetic face on. Alice knew it was a trick. She pulled out her vial and popped the top off. Blood froze where he was.

"Alice! What are you doing with that," Blood demanded. He took small steps, but every step closer he got and vial was closer to Alice's mouth.

"Blood, I'm sorry but I have to do this. It's the only way for me to see my sisters again," Alice whimpered. She put the vial to her mouth and swallowed the potion. Blood walked over to where Alice was standing and kissed her hand goodbye. Alice allowed him and soon she disappeared into thin air. Blood smiled.

"Alice wants to change my name. I think I'll call myself Brett," Blood snickered. Blood was pissed that Alice left, but he still loved her nonetheless.

~Real World~

Alice woke up in her old bedroom, but the style had changed a little. Her whole room had new technology that she had never seen before, and there were piles of paper on her desk. She got up to see her floor covered in t-shirts and jeans. This wasn't her room.

"Maybe I'm to the wrong house?" Alice thought. She opened the door and walked downstairs. She passed pictures that she never knew were taken. She recognized the people in them. One picture had her older sister Lorina and her younger sister Edith hugging each other. Another was a picture of Alice's mother and father on there wedding day. The one next to that looked like Lorina in a wedding dress walking down the aisle and George in a tux...

"Wait, What?!" Alice knew there was something wrong here. Lorina and George never got married, or did they? Alice ran towards the door and swung it open. Luckily she was in her blue dress and not her nightgown because there was Edith and Lorina waiting outside.

"LORINA! EDITH!" Alice cried with joy. She ran towards her sister and gave them the biggest hug. However they didn't hug back. They were confused and a little concerned for there sister. "I'm so glad to see you again!"

Alice released them from her grasp and noticed there clothing style. Edith was wearing a black dress with white tights. She looked like she was going to a funeral, but she had pink earrings and a backpack on. Lorina looked beautiful as always. She had a cream dress with a red apron on. Alice had never seen these clothes on them before.

"Alice, I'm glad your finally woke up. I was starting to worry. But you did have a lot of homework last night and thought I could drive you to school," Lorina said. Drive? What was Lorina talking about. Alice was home schooled.

"Lorina, I don't have George today. Isn't it Thursday? I thought we should go on a picnic to the garden!" Alice replied. Lorina and Edith started to laugh.

"What the heck are you talking about! A picnic. What is this, the Victorian era!" Edith laughed. The school bus pulled up in front of Edith and she got on.

"Alice, are you going to school? Or do you want to stay home today?" Lorina asked kindly. Alice's head started to spin. She knew these people, but the world around her was different. What was she supposed to do!

"Lorina, what day is it?" Alice asked. Lorina smiled and walked over to Alice.

"It's May 14," Lorina responded. Alice shock her head, trying to get rid of this head ache she just got.

"No, that's not what I mean. Like the full date!" Alice demanded. The bus had already left and it was just Lorina and Alice.

"It's May 14, 2015." Alice stood shocked. She was in the future! Alice stared to feel dizzy and she walked back into the house. There were so many new items that she had never seen before. A TV, a refrigerator, a digital clock, and an IPhone. She walked up stairs into her room to find her IPhone plugged in. Alice pushed the home button and it said the date again.

Thursday, May 14 2015


Alice is in the future! Next chapter will explain how this all happened. Hope you're enjoying it so far!

~ Blair Anderson

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