White Rabbit encounter

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Alice started to get on the bus, when her friends came out of the front of the school.

"Oh my god! I think their richer than me!" Sibyl fangirled. She had a thing for beautiful rich, available, men. "They even own a limousine. I've never been in one of those before, and they drive it everyday!" Sibyl and Amy noticed Alice and gave a friendly wave.

"Alice! Nice one! I hope we can meet them tomorrow," Amy stated. Sibyl, Amy, Ramin, and Ralph all followed Alice onto the bus and took their usually seats in the back.  

"I don't know if you should ever meet them," Alice confessed. Amy didn't understand. She liked meeting new people to annoy.

"Why? Is there something wrong with them?" Ramin asked. Alice thought about the whole day she had just spent this them. Ace picking her up, Peter protecting her against everyone, and the twins calling her Big Sis. 

"Yeah. Their kind of... well..." Alice thought for a word that could described them. "Crazy?" Ralph laughed at the word she chose.

"You crazy?" Ralph joked. Sibyl hit his arm. Alice kept thinking.

"I don't know. They keep acting like they've meet me before." Alice explained her whole day with them. There were laughs and smiles, but for the most part her friends were lost completely.

"So Alice! What's Blondie like? Tell me everything!" Sibyl begged. She was your average teen girl asking about boys. Alice thought it was pretty cute.

"His name is Elliot March. He seems really nice. I haven't really talked to him that much, but I'll fine out everything for you," Alice promised. Sibyl chuckled. 

"Don't push yourself too hard. I'm over him," Sibyl said. "Besides, I think the one with pink hair is pretty hot!" Ralph over heard this and became jealous.

"You prefer Boris over me! Wow!" Ralph snapped. Alice remembered Boris. She had every class with him, along with Ace. 

"Speaking of love. That white haired we meet, Peter was it. He seems pretty in love with you Alice," Ramin teased. Alice stared to blush. She couldn't think of anything she had done to make him feel that way. "He won't stop talking about you! I think he's in my math class, but I'll find out tomorrow."

"Which one do you like Alice," Amy asked. "You have to have a crush on one of them, right?! If you had to choose one to go to prom with, who would you pick? Not like you would actually ask one. Alice flirting with boys, that's the best joke I've ever heard." Alice didn't really want to answer that question. Thank god the conversation changed with Ralph asking Sibyl questions about Boris.

"You know what I like about Boris! He reminds me of an adorable kitty cat! And you know very well that cats are my favorite animal," Sibyl argued. Ralph had no idea were she had the idea of him being a cat came from.

"He looks nothing like a cat. Well nothing like a cat I've ever seen. I at least make cat noises. I haven't heard him make any," Ralph defended himself, but Sibyl was just fantasizing about her new crush. 

"Did you guys see Vivaldi! She is just something. She's so elegant and regal and boy does she look beautiful. Her hair and body is just perfect in every way. I was going to ask her for her number, but six other guys beat me to it and she denied their request. I don't have a chance," Ramin remarked. Sibyl wasn't happy about the new girl. It was her first day, and she was already declared as the most beautiful girl in school. That left Sibyl in second place, beaten by a landslide. 

"Well, I guess it is to be war between us. Vivaldi won't win! I always come out on top!" Sibyl mumbled. The bus finally came to a stop and the passengers exited off. Ralph and Ramin waved goodbye and started to walk the rest of the way home. Amy gave Alice and hug and did the "call me" things with her hand. 

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