"I'm not gonna let him win." He whispered, his hand resting on my cheek.


After that "warm" encounter, I hit the shower and skipped dinner. I suddenly wasn't feeling hungry, and I love food. I didn't know what to think. My mind was trying to deny the fact that Braden might have feelings for me, but my heart knew the truth.

He does.

What should I think about that? Do I like him back? That's a simple question,

No. I don't.

As much as I want to fall in love with him, I can't. I'll tell you why. After I hit the shower, I slipped on my pajamas and went face plant on my comfy soft bed for a while. Then, I got up to study the math notes for tomorrow's test. I wanted to clear my mind for just some time to focus on my notes. My mother tried calling me down to eat but I would refuse any food.

All I could digest was a granola bar.

Then I ended up watching a movie while munching on some popcorn. I did reruns on CatFish: The TV Show. It would suck if you fell in love with a person who turns out to be completely different from what you were expecting. Meanwhile, I texting Kyle, Emily and Riley. I haven't spoke to them ever since the nurse incident but it's been all around the school how that guy found Alec on top of me.

"Hey. Is it true you and Alec did the do?" Emily asked with some shocked emojis.

"How big is he?" Riley texted with such bluntness I blushed while reading.

"I see you girl. No chill, fam. This better not be true." Kyle said with obvious protectiveness. I had to answer them with all the same things.

"We had and did nothing, okay? He was just helping me."

"Getting your pants off?" Riley responded quickly. I rolled my eyes, not wasting my precious TV time to respond to that.

Then.. I got a call.


Oh no. I jumped on top of my bed and began to bounce up and down. Not with excitement, no. But with anxiety. Why is he calling me?! Could he know that I heard his and Braden's conversation. What could he possibly want to talk about with me?

Maybe to copy down my homework. Yep, that's probably it.

I answered.

"H-Hello?" I answered awkwardly. I face palmed.

"Hey." His voice sounds so tired and so...ho– don't even finish that, May.

"What do you want?" I questioned rapidly.

"What? I can't call the most beautiful girl in the world?" I blushed at his statement. "Shut up and tell me what subject you wanna copy me off from." I pouted.

He chuckled, making my heart pound.
"Your sound so cute." God, why does he have this affect on me? I gulped, quickly writing down the last few answers on my English assignment.

"... Did you walk with him?" The air changed. He sounded deadly calm, and that scared me. That made the hair in the back of my neck stand. I didn't know how to answer..

"Maybe.." I responded. I cursed under my breath, hearing himself trying to calm down. Could he possibly be that pissed off? Did it anger him that I was with Braden?

"Did he say anything?" Alec continued, his voice strained. I blinked and bit my lower lip softly. Did he say anything?

"I won't let him win." Braden. That's what he said. Braden said he wasn't going to let Alec win. Should I tell him? No. That might only get him more stressed then he already is.

"I–." I started cautiously.

"Don't. I know your going to lie to defend him. I'm not stupid, kitten." He intruded. I hated how he knew me so well. I didn't know how to respond, he's got me tongue tied and I absolutely despised it. It made my heart drum how he's got me and my cheeks began to flush beet red.

"Look. What'd you call me for, Alec?" Gosh, I sounded so rude. I don't intend to be this rash on him, but the way he's making me feel just angers me. He angers me. I could hear him chuckle on the line  again, it made a shudder slowly creep down my back.

"May.. Your mine, and you'll always be mine."

"I'm not yours!" I immediately yelped. I wasn't his.. Why does that sound like one of the biggest lies that's ever escaped my lips? I wasn't his.. I wasn't.. So why does it seem wrong to say? He doesn't own me, so why is my heart saying the opposite? God! Why does he have to make things so complicated?!

"Heh, oh my little kitten, you and I both know your just lying to yourself." His velvety voice making my knees weak and my hand to grip the sheets of my bed.

"I-I'm not." I lied.

"Look, I just want to make one thing clear.. I am going to fight for you. You are going to be mine and mine only in the end. I'm going against a twig."

"Don't call him that!" I defended Braden. Braden is a good guy, Alec's the one acting up.. But then again.. Could it be because he's jealous?

"I'm not going to hand you over to anyone. Not for a million dollars, not for the world.. Just know that I will win your heart, and when that day comes.. I will mark you completely mine."

I was felt speechless, my heart hammering so hard I thought it was going to pop right out. I might catch a cold from all the heat on my face. He says I'm his. Yet, why does he pursue me and act like a jerk. Why does he toy me like this? Why can't he just be straight up. Why can't I be more confident and just tell him! Tell him, May.

"Alec.." I couldn't. I just can't.

"Well that's enough confession for my little kitty. I'm sure your heart can't handle too much." He snickered. That bastard! But he's right, I swear I feel like my heart is a rocket around to explode.

"Goodnight, my beautiful princess." No! Stop! He can't be saying those things. He doesn't like me. He hates me! Why..? Why does he have to make my stomach flutter this way..? Why me?

"Goodnight." I whispered back.

Right then, I knew.. A war was about to erupt..

His Nerd (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now