Almost Happy Ending

Start from the beginning

If maybe he'll forgive me at giving him a bad time.

I reached the parking lot, I saw a pink limo. Which made me think of when we went on our first lunch date, highly believing that it wasn't really our first. I got out of the car as well as undyne, alphys, and toriel. When I entered the bar, I was completely shocked to see it empty. The only people there are G, papyrus, mettaton and....

"Frisk?! What are you doing here?!" "I came here to help, big sis/bro." "W-What about your school activities? You can't miss that!" They shrugged. "It was boring." "That still doesn't-" toriel coughed from behind me and frisk ran up to her smiling, giving her a big hug. "Mom!" She chuckled. "Hello, little frisk." Toriel smiled, hugging back.

"SORRY TO BE RUDE, BUT WE HAVE VERY UPSETTING MATTER AT HAND!" Toriel and Frisk stopped smiling and nodded grievly. "Yes we do, paps. But I have something to say first. To all of you to hear." I said, clenching my shirt. Everyone sat at a booth, except G, and faced me. I took a shaky breath in and out. "I...I'm sorry. Everyone. I-I haven't really been honest-" "What are you talking about, dar-" "Please. Metta. It's already hard for me to tell you guys." He didn't say anything. Here it goes.

This part is sad af. I think. Idk. Just read with caution.

"I'm...not human." I confessed looking down. "I'm half monster, half human really. More monster actually. But that part of me isn't really nice. It makes me a bad person. I struggle everyday to fit in, but I get bullied. They taught me. Push me to the ground. They even...violated my personal space. When I begged them to stop, one of them said 'Who's going to save a freak of nature like you!' and they all laughed and high fived each other. At that time...I was only in 5th grade. I tried to tell my parents..." I twiddled my thumbs, even though I could barely feel them. "But they made me feel worst. Making me feel unwanted. Not worthy. Empty. Like I asked to get all those terrible things. In that moment, I didn't care if someone was sad or mad. I didn't care for anyone. Including myself. So I tried to get rid of myself, but every time, it healed and every time I get more and more anxious. More and more trying to find a way to just end the suffering. B-But then I met all of you...I felt I finally belonged somewhere. I finally felt like I had a family. Friends I can rely on. Mostly sans. I made a mistake telling him to leave me alone. To tell him he no longer mattered. Because he did. He was the only one I never thinked of those thoughts. I need him. So please." I looked up, tears rolling down my face. "Please help me bring him back to my life."

Everyone was just...staring at me. Not making any sound. Not making any movement. Oh no.. "I...Oh god." I held my head. "I-I'm an idiot! Of course you guys won't help me. I'm a freak! I'm a selfish freak..." I then felt a small pair of arms hugging my waist. I saw it was frisk, who was crying as well, shaking their head. "You're not a freak, big sis/bro. You're not a freak." I hugged them back, then another pair of arms hugged both of us, literally picking us up from the ground. "OH OLDER HUMAN! WHAT A SAD LIFE YOU HAD!!" That made me smile a little. Then one by one, everyone was hugging me, except grillby because he's made of fire and doesn't want to hurt anyone.

They released me, but they were still in a circle. I whipped away the tears. "Thank you everyone for making me feel better."

Undyne punched my arm slightly. "Of course, punk! You're with us now." She smiled. "I-Indead." Alphys agreed.

"I'm always with you, child." Toriel smiled kindly and frisk nodded, smiling.

"You are the only one I can dress up darling. If anyone let's me, then I have no reason not to trust you~" He smiled, crossing his arms.

"AND SANS TRUSTS YOU. MEANING I HAVE TO AS WELL!" Papyrus said, hugging me once more, but it was short.


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