Chapter 10

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Picture of Kalia , Nehemiah and Keva Out Above.

"Thanks for ordering at Wendy's." I smiled at the next Costumer. I made my way to the back of Wendy's to meet up with some guys I called friends.

" So guys tonight is a plan for the club? " Justin explained.

" Sure why not." A tall brunette name Tyrell agreed.

" Yasss! I'm in "

We all looked over to Jada who stood by the door listening to our plans. Jada was short and had olive skin with freckles that lined up across her face. She smiled and chug down a beer. Out of all of us she was the wildest.

" Great. " I said. " Benny will pick us all up for 7. " while everyone headed for their respective homes. Rummaging through my closet of clothes I chose a black pair of skinny's, white tee-shirt and a vintage jeans jacket and a pair of green and white Adidas.


Keva POV

Returning from Greece after hours of persuading Christian he dropped me off home. Not really having much to unpack I went straight to bed.

*two hours later*

Walking around the kitchen my phone rang playing the song Cold Water by Justin Bieber and Major Lazer.

" Hello? "

" Hey sugarr " the voice sang through the phone.

" Whats up bihhhh? " I screamed " I missed youuu so much. "

" I'm cool, I'm calling you to go out. We haven't spent much time together so we are going clubbing. "

" Sweetheart I'm tired."

" I don't care and I'm two minutes away with some outfits so go bathe."


The nerve she had to hang up on me. Dragging my feet upstairs I showered and went in search for a pair of strap up heels. Hearing the front door open, the sound of sneakers screeching throughout my whole house kalia appeared in my bedroom with two slimming back dresses in her hand.

" Here you gooo " she chirped handing me the dress. Just by looking at it I can tell it would make my figure pop like a cherry. It was a black deep v-neck long sleeve bandage maxi romper while kalia had a simple little black dress which would hug her model like figure with a short v-neck cut and a pair of red bottoms to go with it. We did one another hair, her's got a side cornrow with loose curls while my own went into a pineapple puff with the kinks falling in front my face. Taking some cantu define and hold moisturizer I massaged it into my scalp making sure to tighten up the curls I had.

Then we were off.


Nehemiah POV

" Chug Chug Chug Chug Chug!! " we all cheered Justin on.


The glass hit the counter and he took the shot glass with his mouth and swallowed the clear liquid.

Slapping him on the back " Justin yu the man! " before we all took a shot of our own. Shaking the feeling of the burning liquor down my throat I bit into a lemon that was laying next to the glass.

" On the floor guys " Jade pumped her fist while dragging Justin on the floor shaking her hips while Tyrell and I followed. The song Luv by Tory Lanez came on and we all wasted no time finding a partner.

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