Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"That's sorta like us." I said to Rose once she'd read a couple chapters and placed the book on my bedside table

"How so?" She asked me curiously.

"Well...mostly me, I don't know. I never forgot the times I spent with you before I left. In fact, I can still remember them now."

"I remember them too. What was your favourite memory?"

"When we spent last summer at my beach house. Remember that one week we decided to-"

"Please don't say it. I remember it all, don't you worry."

"Benny! They're here!" Sara called out from down the hallway.

"Coming!" I called back as Rose and I got up off the bed.

"Now, Benny, now!" She yelled as she ran into the room.

"I said we're coming, kiddo. Jesus." I replied.

"Don't get all snappy now, Benny." Rose said to me playfully as she bent over to pick up Sara.

"Careful with your leg now." I cautioned her.

"You can carry the birthday girl then." She replied as she placed Sara up onto my shoulders.

"Yay! Piggy-back ride! Let's go, Benny!" Sara said with delight.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going."


As we were walking down the hallway, I shot Rose a look that said, I'm gonna get you for this later.

"Watch yourself there, Benny. Otherwise I'll get you back." Rose threatened me playfully.

"Sure you will." I scoffed.

Once we got downstairs, it got loud. As in really, really loud. There couldn't have been that many eight year old girls here, could there? I think I'm gonna have one hell of a headache tomorrow.

"Rosie! Could you braid our hair?" Sara asked Rose.

"Sure, sweetie." Rose replied as she followed the girls into the living room.

Rose had to be some kind of Saint when she went in there, because the whole room just fell silent except for a few whispers here and there. I looked in and all the girls were just watching her braid one of the girls' hair. 

When she finished doing someone's hair, the girls would just be like, "Ooh!" Rose would ask who would be next, then you'd suddenly this whole chorus of "Me! Me! I'm next!"

So much much for being silent.

Rose was soon finished doing everyone's hair, then they all went outside to play while we stayed inside.

"Looks like Miss Popular's got her own little fan club." I joked as we sat on the couch.

"I only did their hair, Ben. It's not like I donated a million dollars to them or something." She told me.

"Yeah, yeah. Say what you want about it, but can I be club president?"

"You can be whatever you want."

"Hey, I heard my parents hired a jumping castle for the day. You think when the girls aren't on it, we can use it?"

"Of course we can!"

"Cool! I haven't been on one in ages!" I said excitedly.

"Okay, now you're starting to sound like a six year old." She joked.

"Believe me, I could be the most annoying six year old in history."

"Do you have home movies to back-up that claim?"

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