Stop Touching Magnus's Hair, Anna Bananna, and Swifties.

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Magnus: You're evil, you know that? I didn't even agree to dress up as someone. I say we go classic: Mistletoe.

Annabeth: That's boring and bland, you butt.

Samirah: And in no way am I touching a mistletoe, too much bad experiences from my father behind that.

Magnus: Oh yeah...

Annabeth: I'm not going to ask. How about we find a moment they're about to kiss and pop in and play some romantic music or something?

Sam: Not bad, Chase, er, Chase two? Second Chase? I don't know, but how long do we have to wait for some romantic opportunity to pop up?

Magnus: *leans back on his hands* Hours, days, years.

Annabeth: *raises eyebrow* Think optimistic for once, Mags.

Magnus: Optimistic isn't my middle name, contrary to popular belief.

Samirah: Are we doing this or not?

Magnus: I'd rather no—

Annabeth: We're doing it. Right Magnus?

Magnus: No—*looks at Annabeth's glare*—Yes. Yes, I meant yes.

-whoosh kablam time skip-

Will: *waves hands animatedly* He snores, so loud. It's hilarious. You would expect a god to be all high-class and look nice when they sleep, but apparently not.

Nico: *smiles thinly* I don't even know what to expect anymore, is my honest answer. *sees a flash behind the trees and hovers his hand on his sword* Did you see that?

Will: *narrows eyes and looks around* I don't think so. *sighs* I hope camp defenses get to their original strength soon, these random monster attacks are getting out of hand.

Nico: Yeah...*hand doesn't leave sword* Was that grumbling?

Will: *chuckles* I don't think so, unless the monster is hesitating about eating us.

Nico: I thought you were the 'sun child', when did you become so pessimistic?

Will: *eyes sparkle* Your charm must've rubbed off on me, my dear.

Nico: *pretends to stick tongue out* Quit it, with trying to be romantic. You suck at that.

Will: *smiles and takes Nico's hand*

Nico: *leans on his tiptoes and comes forward for a kiss*

-sudden burst of Taylor Swift's 'Shake it Off'-

Annabeth: *hisses* Violin music, not Taylor Swift!

Sam: You have Taylor Swift music? Ha, you're so gay.

Magnus: I blame Jack! He makes me download all this crap.

*Will and Nico staring in the distance*

Nico: *squints eyes and sheathes sword* Annabeth?

Annabeth: *smiles nervously* And my cousin. And his friend.

Magnus: *tilts head in acknowledgement* Yo.

Sam: *waves* Uh, we have this thing online where we answer questions and stuff. Someone asked us to prank you guys, so, here we are.

Will: Magnus? *leans head back and laughs* Who would've known? How are you doing?

Magnus: *smiles sheepishly* Still pretty dead. *turns to Nico* Hey, di Angelo.

Nico: *deadpans* Norse dead cousin. So, I guess your prank didn't work out?

Sam: Nope.

Will: I see. It's fine, the Hermes cabin does much worse.

Nico: Wait. Magnus. You have a phone?

Magnus: iPod. Something wrong?

Nico: *smacks forehead* How did you guys not get tracked down by monsters? Or, at least, why didn't Annabeth?

Magnus: Chill. We should be fine. I mean we haven't seen any signs or any—

*a roar sounds in the distance*

Magnus: Well, shit.

A/N: *jazz hands* Fun, fun. I love when my children are in danger. Hope you liked this! (Shoutout to the little quiznak Queen Ham for the Magnus is totally a Swiftie reference thing. Oh yeah, and thanks for asking stuff. *finger guns*)

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