"We haven't found him yet."

"Did you really expect to? The Avatar died a hundred years ago along with the rest of the airbenders and so did the Tenshi." Zhao said, but noticed that Zuko and Lillian's bodies tensed. He stared at Lillian before bringing his attention back to Zuko, "Unless you found some evidence that the avatar is alive?" Zuko's eyes met Lillian's, "No... nothing..." Zhao turned his attention to Lillian who was shifted uncomfortable under his gaze, "Lady Lillian, what do you know of the Tenshi?" Lillian met his gaze before taking a deep breath, "As far as I am concerned, they are a myth. I believed it was just a story you were told before you went to bed." Zhao nodded, "But, in those stories, we were told of the great abilities that they possessed and how some of them were... different in appearance... But enough of that. "Zhao turned his back to Lillian, 'What is he playing at?'she thought to herself and looked over at Iroh who was watching Zhao closely. "Prince Zuko, the avatar is the only one that can who can stop the fire nation from winning this war. If you have an ounce of loyalty left, you'll tell me what you have found." Zhao was leaning over Zuko which made Lillian alert, "I haven't found anything. It's like you said, the avatar probably died a long time ago." Zuko stared at Zhao before he stood up, "Come on Uncle, Lillian. We're going." Lillian followed closely behind Zuko but stumbled back when he came to stop due to the guards not letting them through. 

"Commander Zhao, we interrogated the crew as you instructed, they confirmed that Prince Zuko and Lady Lillian had the avatar in custody but let him escape." Zuko's head fell and Lillian's body stiffened at the mention of her name. "Now... remind me, how exactly was your ship damaged?"Zhao asked as he leaned over Zuko's shoulder and grasped Lillian around her arm. 

Lillian was forced into a chair besides Zuko. "So a 12 year old boy bested you and your firebenders, your more pathetic than I thought." Zhao sneered, Lillian's knuckles grew white as she clenched the edge of her seat, 'How dare he speak to our Prince that way...' "I underestimated him once, but it will not happen again!" 

"No it will not, because you will not have a second chance!"

"Commander Zhao, Prince Zuko has been hunting avatar for the past 2 years and he-"

"He has failed! Capturing the Avatar is too important to leave to two teenagers! He's mine now!"

As Zuko lunged at Zhao but was held back by two guards. "Let him go! Now!"Lillian said as she stood up, her fists were clenched and she was ready to attack, "You should watch that tongue of yours. Such a shame that such a beautiful young woman is dragging her name through the dirty for a dishonored Prince." Zhao said as he made his way to stroke Lillian's cheek, but the moment he touched her she breathed fire out of her mouth, burning his hand, "Argh! You little wench! How dare you!?" Lillian's grin grew at the site of his pain, "I'll teach you some respect!" *SLAP* Zhao withdrew his hand from Lillian's face but was shocked that she didn't even stumble over by the force of his hit. Zhao stumbled back grasping his hand in pain, "Keep them here!"Zuko fumed with anger and then kicked over the small table in front of Iroh, "More tea please."

The guards released Zuko and positioned them selves at the door. Lillian stood in the corner of the room with her arms crossed over her chest. "Lilly?" Zuko's voice was almost a whisper, but those crimson eyes met his gaze and then his eyes fell on her cheek where Zhao had struck her...nothing but a small red mark rested there. Zuko's stomach burnt from rage, how dare he lay is hands on her!? Lillian noticed Zuko's reaction to her cheek but she felt that dishonoring Zhao was not up to her. 

"My search party is ready. Once I am out to sea, my guards will escort you back to your ship and you will be free to go."Zhao said as he re-entered the tent. 

"Why? Are you worried we're going to try and stop you?"Lillian asked as she stood besides Zuko's chair.

Zhao began to laugh at them, "You? Stop me? Impossible!"

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