Saving Grace

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Piper's shriek echoed along the battle ground as she crouched by the lifeless Jason.
He lay still, skin pale and his torso covered in blood. The wound Mischief had made was still oozing blood. His once bright blue eyes were lifeless, and even in his six year old form, his expression was one of trauma he'd seen beyond his years.
" No, Jason, no," Piper sobbed, almost choking on her own words.
The demigods and the avengers rushed over, all crowding around the body.
" Nico, is there a chance he.............." Leo began, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. The words unsaid seemed to re donate with everyone, is there a chance he may still live.
Nico shook his head slowly, along with Hazel who also knew that the blonde superman was surely dead by now. His eyes showed sympathy but Nico couldn't cry.
" Pipes, he, he loved you," Annabeth whispered sadly, wrapping her arms around the sobbing girl.
" I know, and I loved him back," Piper sniffled.
She had her head resting on his blood soaked chest now, crying in to his tattered orange shirt and armour.
The avengers stood back slightly, all grieving too but knowing that they couldn't help the situation.
" Guys, we are so sorry," Bruce mumbled quietly.
Percy nodded a thanks to him, hid bright green eyes spilling tears down his small face.
" He was my training buddy," Percy murmured.
Steve hugged the small boy close.
" I know kid, he was mine too," Steve whispered comfortingly.
They all stayed in silence for a moment before one small voice broke the silence.
" There is a way that he could live again," Hope whispered.
All heads turned to her in surprise and they saw her standing a little way behind them, uncertainty in her expression.
" How!" Piper demanded instantly.
" If I channel enough hope in to his body and use enough power I may be able to revive him," Hope explained awkwardly.
" Thats impossible," Tony growled. " he's been dead for twenty minutes".
" I'm an immortal child who lived in a jar, it is NOT impossible," Hope chastised.
" Hope, you can't! The power that would take would make you in a state as close as an immortal could get to death," Nico warned, fear in his expression.
" I know that, Nico," Hope murmured softly.
She stepped forward and laid her hands on Jason's chest, eyes closed. A purple glow formed over both of them, growing brighter with each second. Jason's wound started to close up, the blood disappearing, and his skin grew less pale.
Hope's hair started going silver and she let out a silent cry of pain. Nico could only stare at her, feeling like his heart was breaking.
" You'll see me again when I awake, Nico," Hope whispered, just loud enough for Nico to hear.
With one final blast of purple light Jason sat up with a gasp. Hope fell next to him, limp as a rag doll, pale and unconscious.
" I was dead," Jason mumbled, eyes wide in confusion.
" Not anymore," piper wailed, tackling him to the ground.
" HOPE!" Nico yelled.

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