I Understand You

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Nico stood on the roof of stark towers, looking across at Hope. He'd finally found her sitting near the edge of the roof, her knees drawn up to her chest and her gaze fixed on the city below. He wandered over and sat down next to her with a sigh.
" It looks beautiful doesn't it," Nico murmured.
" More beautiful than I'd ever hoped. Trapped in that box, all you can really do is imagine how the world will look around you when you finally break free. Now that I am free I see that it's more stunning than I'd imagined," Hope murmured quietly, eyes still fixed on the city.
" You must feel good to be finally free," Nico commented, scooting closer to her.
" Freedom for me is just an illusion, for I am no more free here than I was in that jar. The people of the world don't want me here, they only see me for my siblings acts. My family is evil, so to them, that makes me evil too. I'm trapped by what people think of me," Hope said with a heavy sigh.
" You are nothing like your family, you are the good in a family of four evils. You can change the people's minds, show people like Tony that you are good, that you fight to protect the world," Nick encouraged.
" I have fought to help the world every day of my life, and yet every day in that jar I hear people crying out for something to give them hope. I've spent eternity keeping the four evils from getting out of that jar, and yet I failed the first time, now I've failed the second time as well," Hope murmured.
" The world doesn't have the sun to give them light right now, but they have you, the first thing mankind hoped for was the moon, show them that you, like the moon, will rise to protect them from the evil suns again," Nico murmured.
Hope smiled at him, but her eyes remained troubled.
" Even if I fight with everything I have, the only way to get rid of the four evils permanently is to trap them in another Pandora's Box. And if another is made to trap them, I will be bound to that box for eternity as well," Hope mumbled.
" I won't let that happen, Hope, I won't let you go in to another box for eternity, I'll keep you anchored out here, you just have to believe, you have to have hope," Nico assured her, putting his hand protectively over hers.
" Thank you," she whispered.
" Come on now, put on that cheery smile of yours and let's go tell the avengers just what side you're on," Nico said strongly, pulling her to her feet.
She grinned at him and walked with him towards the door to the stairs.
" And by the way, how come you're so young now?" Hope asked curiously.
" Don't ask," Nico muttered.

" Is there anything you could tell us about your.......siblings..........that could help us?" Clint asked curiously.
Hope nodded to him, knowing the answer already.
" Yes, Death is quite dark and depressing, she hates happiness, laughter and good things, she gets angry really easily when faced with these good things and when angry, fights clumsily. Mischief always fights using hidden traps and pranks, he'll try to lie and talk his way out to get you distracted before striking at the moment when you aren't prepared. Sickness can't stand antibiotics, you have an antibiotic with you and he will shy away real quickly. Old Age hates children, she will most likely attack the demigod's since they're all children, don't be fooled by her blind appearance, she definitely CAN see you," Hope informed.
" How will we fight them if they can just wave their hand and kill us all," Hazel asked curiously.
" It's not that simple, they can't use their full powers on you if you have hope that you'll win. You have no hole and that's when they can kill you easily," Hope informed with a shrug.
" Okay then, that's at least a start of a plan," Steve murmured thoughtfully.

Children of Olympusजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें