Me: I think xxMoonlitexx watches MLP because look at the explanation! Only a fan of that can do it!

Suddenly, I realized that he spoke the truth!

Grover: *sarcastic* Yeah, it wasn't that obvious.

A choral tear flew across my face as my heart understood his heart.

Annabeth: Impossible.

Octavius yelled, "ENOUGH, you are speaking like a addleplate! And it is my duty to expose you all the demigods of camp!" He grabbed the my little pony stuffed animal and slitted its throat. Cotton white like ice and bones fell on the ground at his feet, its lifeless eyes stared at and saw no more.

Hazel: No one's pointing out that she spelled Octavian wrong?

Everyone: Nah. We hate him.

Jason grabbed his neck like his throat was slitted, "I bet you step on kittens too you f*cking murderer/thief!"

Hazel: *sighs*

I stared in horror, who would I believe?

Me: Us fangirls who says that you should crawl into a hole and stay there until you die.

Octavius was hot and confident, and filled sexly wrath, but Jason's heart was broken and he was sensative, he would be destroyed and spit on if they knew he was brony!

Annabeth: Bucket.

Frank: *hands Annabeth a bucket*

Me: *vomits into the bucket*

Leo, Jason, Percy, and Grover: THIS WOMAN IS CRAZY!

Nico: Where in Hades does she get these stupid ideas?

Piper: Octavian? Hot? Ugh, no.

Hazel: You're kidding, right?

Octavius laughed with arrogance, "Now how about we make a deal, like a "trade," if I don't tell about your secret to the world, you must.....kill Zeus!"

Jason: Octavian may be evil but he's not that evil that he wants to kill Jupiter.

Percy: Zeus.

Annabeth: Seaweed Brain, it's just the Roman counterpart of Zeus. I'm sure Octavian knows Zeus as Jupiter.

"Wtf?!" I looked at him and the wisdom of Artemis cleared my brain and I could see he was actually evil and ugly, it was just a shallow charm shield that went around him like a bubble and made him look good and hot.

Everyone: You just figured that out now?

"Yes, you must go to Olympus and stick this steak through his heart!" Octavius gave me a sharp steak made all from silver.

Me: Hey Leo, imagine a sharp piece of steak that's made out of silver and you stabbed it into Zeus's heart.

Leo: *imagines it and starts laughing* Sticking a piece of meat into his heart? Hilarious!

Hazel: Does everything she own made out of silver?

Nico: Yes.

"You work with Kronos!" I said, because now I could guess the truth!

Frank: Guess the truth. Not know the truth.

Me: Octavian was being influenced by Gaea. He does not work for Kronos.

"Your smart but not as smart as me!" He lied sarcastically.

Me: Translation to un-sarcastic speak: You're dumb, but not as dumb as me.

Annabeth: He lied which means....

Piper and Hazel: She's dumber than Octavian!

Everyone else: How come we never thought of that?

"Yeah well if you tell them Jason is a brony, no one will believe you!" I explained.

Grover: Again, how is that explaining?

Octavius sneered meanly, "If you do that then I will kill Hazel with a gun!" He opened a door in the temple and in the darkness torture chamber inside I could see that Hazel was tied to a chair with rope and chains, and a gun was pointing at her!

Frank: *growls*

Hazel: Is she saying I'm weak because I don't like it. I can't be kidnapped that easily. 

"No, its too dangerous to kill Zeus, he is powerful of the gods!" said Jason, but I knocked him out on the head so he wouldn't interfere, it was for his safety. 

Jason: Aside from the huge bump I probably have on my head.

Then I glared at Octavius in anger like burning leafs in a fire, "Ok I have no choice!"

When I walked away so he couldn't see me I busted into tears, liquid silver flowed on my face.

Everyone: *facepalm*

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