Chapter 16 - My Drug

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10 year old Aden up there!


On Friday Ryan, Aden, and I did an all nighter. We swam in the pool, watched movies in the living room, played board games, and taught Aden how to play ping pong. we ended up sleeping around 6 something in the morning.

On Saturday we headed to the mall and bought him new clothes, went to the arcade, and had a bomb Chinese dinner. 

Once I wake up I try to get up but I can't. I'm in the middle of a weird and awkward sandwich. Ryan's arm was around my waist with his chest to my back while I had both arms around Aden as if I was hugging him and we where face to face.

No way can I get up from this without waking either of them up. I slowly let go of Aden while also  slowly moving Ryan's arm. I wiggle out of his hold and sit up. 

"Okay hard part is done." I say to myself. I carefully lift my right leg up and find the floor while my left follows. I stand up from the couch. I sigh heavily "It's a fucking miracle." I whisper.

"I'd say it was amusing." I look over to the kitchen island and Ryder was sitting on the stool. I roll my eyes. "Morning Ryder." I say with an an annoyed tone.

"Who's the kid and why is he here?" He asked following me towards the fridge. "The kid  is my brother. And Ryan found out a way he could be with me for the weekend for a birthday present."

"But he's like....what? 9? You said he was 7." I shake my head. "I said that last time I saw him he was 7. Three years past. He's 10 now." 

I take out some egg, bacon, pancake mix, and milk. I put it all on the kitchen island and take a look at Ryder. "Gonna help or just stand there?" He turned on the stove while I prepared the pancake mix.

"When was your birthday?" I look at Ryder and he looks kinda sad but I know he really isn't given the way he made me feel like shit these past  weeks.

"Valentine's Day." I answer simply while flipping the last pancake. "I'm sorry." I place the pancake on a plate with the others. I turn to face Ryder and he was staring right into my eyes. "Okay." I say whiling turning around and throwing the eggs in the stove.

"Okay? That's it?" Ryder said in an annoyed tone. "Yeah. What do you want me to do? Get on my knees and say that I want you back even though you don't trust me and treated me like shit since the fight." I say sarcastically to him.

I place the eggs and bacon on a separate plates and place all the plates on the kitchen island. "Alexis." I turn and face Ryder and he was closer than I'd want him to be.

"Can we talk about this? Please? I know it hasn't even been that long but I can't handle not be able to kiss you whenever I want or hug you when I'm feeling down or talking to you about anything that's going through my mind."

"You don't." He gave me a look. "You don't tell me what goes on in that mind of yours." I walk away from him and go back to the living room to wake up Aden and Ryan for breakfast but only Ryan is there.

I shake him up. "Where's Aden?" He rubbed his eyes and slowly stood up. "Little man went to the restroom like 5 minutes ago." I nod. "Get up breakfast is ready." 

He stood up immediately. "What did you make?" He asked. "Pancakes and ..." He cut me off. "You made PANCAKES!!!!!" He shouted for the whole house to hear. "I LOVE YOU!!!" He threw me on his shoulders and took me to the kitchen while chanting "I Love Alexis and I Love Pancakes"

"PUT ME DOWN BEFORE I HURT YOU!!" I shout but no one heard me because of the two pairs of laughs. I was put down and see Aden and Ryder laughing their asses off.

"LEXI !! Your boyfriend is sooo funny! He told me this joke...hilarious. Dirty but hilarious." He chuckled.

"Two things. Ryder don't tell my little brother dirty jokes. And who said he was my boyfriend?" I say holding up two fingers. "I did." Ryder says with a mouthful of pancakes. I roll my eyes and sit down to eat.

Once everyone was done had to decided what to do. "Pool?" Ryder suggest. "Done that." Ryan answers. "Movies?" He suggest again "Seen all of them." My brother asked. "Ping Pong?" Ryder tries again. "We did everything you can think of last night." I answer. "Not everything." He tells me with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

I playfully shove him. "You're mind is in the gutter." My phone rings. I answer it without looking a the Caller ID and put it on speaker while place it on the table and go to put my cup in the dishwasher.

 "Hello." I say into the phone from across the kitchen.

"Hello, Love. How did the princess wake up?" I recognize the voice and quickly head over to the phone and putting it off speaker and to my ear. I look at see Ryder's jaw clenched while Aden and Ryan have a confused face.

"Fine. I'm fine and you Matt?" I ask whiling heading upstairs to my room. "Better now that I can hear your voice." I chuckle at his little joke. "So you called."

"Oh yeah I wanted to know if you could train me again today? I really need the practice." I laugh because I know that's not true I've seen his abs.

"You really do." He cut me off. "Hey! Not nice of a trainer to say." I laugh loudly at this and lay down on the bed. "I would love to but my brother is here for the weekend and I need to spend time with him."

I hear a sigh on the other side "Sorry, but Monday I'm free." He says that Monday's good. "I'll talk to you later, Knock Out."

"Wait! What's up with the nickname?" He laughs over the phone. "You could knock someone out with one punch." I laugh. "Your turn. Come up for a nickname for me." I thought about it. "How about Fatty Matty."

"No! That's no going to be my ni-" I hung up on him whiling laughing me ass off. I open my door and someone text me. 

Matt: That's not going to be my nickname, Love. 

I smile at the text and I yelp when someone pushes me up against the wall. "What's going on with him, Alexis?" Ryder's head is laying one my shoulder. He didn't let me speak. "I think I...I really really like you. And when I say this it's not cause I don't like him but it's for your safety."

He looks at me with eyes filled with lust and wanting. "He's dangerous. Stay away from him. And please don't tell me you're dating him because I wouldn't be able to handle it." He says in a whisper.

"Please forgive me. I..I..really need you." I see something I hate seeing in his eyes....sadness. "Training. Not dating." I simply say.

He stares deeply into my eyes and I do the same. His lips hover over mine and I don't push him back when he kisses me. He's hand go around my waist and my hands go up to his hair tugging on it gently.

I push him away slightly. "I forgive you." Joy filled his eyes. "But I really need to focus on my brother and getting him back. Seeing how big he's gotten makes me want to fight for him harder."

"I can help you." He offers and a huge smile plays on my lips. "You're always there for me that's one of the many things I love about you." It slipped out. I swear I didn't mean it. Well, I did but not now. We only met 4 months ago and dated for a month.

"I-I didn't... I'm so sorry....I didn't mean it. I mean yeah I-I meant it but n-not like this or now. I didn't think before I said it." He kissed me and I kissed him back. "I love you, Alexis King." We both smile.

I laugh to myself cause like I said before....

Ryder is my drug.


Was it too Cheesy? Do you like Ryder and Alexis together? What is Matt up to?

This was like a fill in chapter.

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-Mari ^.^

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