Chapter 5 - Told You!

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"Who's Aden?" A familiar voice asked from behind me.

Great. Just Great!

"No one important." I say with a cold tone while standing up. "So someone who isn't important made you cry?"

"Look Ryder just mind your own fucking business cause right now I don't feel like putting up with your bullshit." I shout in his face and for a second I could've sworn I saw hurt in his eyes.

I take out my keys from my bag and start my engine. Ryder takes a steps forward and takes my keys.

What an ass!

"Give me my keys Ray!" I get off my bike and march towards him.

"I know you know my name. You just said it not too long ago." He says. I roll my eyes and try to snatch my keys from his hands.

Big key word: try

"You're not leaving until you tell me who is this asshole Aden that made you cry."

No one calls my brother an asshole. Especially the king of asshole's. I punch him. Hard. On his jaw.

"The fuck, Alexis!" He held his jaw in pain. "Didn't  anyone ever tell you to watch your mouth!!" I yell at him.

"He's not my boyfriend or ex or anything like that you jackass!!! He's not not an asshole!!! For anything I'm the asshole in the situation!! He's my brother!!!" I continue shouting getting all the anger out.

Crap! I almost told him everything. I should just give him my social security number while I'm getting everything out in the open.

"You're brother?" He ask in confusion and puts his hands to his side.

I snatch the keys from his hand but he snatches it back.

"Just give me my key, Robin." He rolls his eyes at the name. "I really don't want to hurt you. So just hand it over."

I put my palm out so he could place the key on them. But he doesn't.

"You..." he points at me "...hurt me?" He points to himself. I nod and he doubles over laughing.

"I can and will if you don't give me my keys." He recovers and looks at me.

"Would you put money on it?" I look at him confused. "Would you?" I return the question. "Hell yes! I'll beat you in no time plus earn some money."

"Oh really?" He nods "Yup. I'll take you somewhere. And we can fight there." He goes over to my bike and inserts my keys into my ignition then sits on my bike.

Did I say the word my enough? Good I was trying to get a point across.

"Are you coming?" He asks me patting the space behind him. I get on put refuse to hold him.

"You're going to fly away if you don't hold on." I grunt like a wild beast and decided to hold on.

We drive through a familiar road and into the no-so-good part of town near where the Underground is.

He makes a left. And I was right.

He stops the bike and we both get off. "You brought me here?" He nods and heads inside with me behind him.

When we walk in everyone recognized me and starts to cheer and holler. Ryder being the cocky self-absorbed bastard he is he thought everyone was cheering him on.

It was the funniest thing when he turned around and saw people patting me on the back and welcoming me back. The face Ryder made was hilarious.

"You've been here before?" He turns completely to me and we both stop walking. "Actually I'm the champion." I inform him.

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