Chapter 10 - Pool Party

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I woke up alone.

I didn't mind but it did hurt a little. Then I remembered he still has school. I get up from his couch and stretch.

I look around his room and it's nothing how you except a teenage boy's room to be. It's not messy and disorganized. Everything is neat and clean. Not one thing is out of place.

I walk out of Ryder's room and head downstairs.

"Morning Sweet-cheeks." I turn and see Ryan on the kitchen table eating pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.

"Morning. And what's up with the nickname?" I asked sitting sitting down next to him and stealing one of his bacon strips.

"Hey! You don't eat of a guys plate. It rude. Now give it back." I shrugged and licked the bacon strip from top to bottom. Ryan was eyeing my movements. "Do you still want it back?"

He raises an eyebrow "Now more than ever."

"Perv." I smacked his arm playfully. "Why aren't you in school?" He kept looking at me. It was weird. "What?"

"Nothing. And I don't have class until late afternoon and only on Wednesdays and Thursdays."

"That's cool. College must be so...." I can't find the right word to describe college.

"....Kickass!" Ryan completes my sentence. "Exactly!" I exclaim.

"Is Ryder at school?" I ask and Ryan nods his head.

"So since you are so hungry want me to make you a plate too?" Ryan suggest and I nod.

20 minutes later he was still making my food and I was so hungry I couldn't wait any longer so I did the only thing I could....

I ate his food.

Right when I finished his food he came in with a fresh hot plate.

"So you couldn't wait." He says. "Sorry but a girls got to eat when a girls got to eat. Plus you where taking too damn long." I explained myself.

"So I guess this ones mine." He ask and I nod. I check my phone for the time.

"Woah I woke up like at 11:00 something!" He nods. "What you wanna do for the rest of the day?" I ask.

"Movies?" I shake my head. "Did that yesterday." I explain. "Basketball?" No way. I shake my head again. "Too sweaty. Plus I suck."

"I don't know maybe tennis?" Is he serious. "Do I look like I go to a freaking fancy ass Country Club?"

He didn't answer me. "How about a pool day?" I smile wide. I haven't been swimming in years.

"I'll meet you there in a bit I'm gonna go change." I say while taking the stairs two at a time.

I look through every cabinet and finally find my black bikini. I strip and throw it on I also put on my black cardigan and grab my sunglasses.

I go back downstairs and didn't see Ryan anywhere.

I go outside and wonder if the ankle bracelet is water proof. I call Evan to see.

"Hey." I say.

"What do you want, King?" Jeez rude much.

"Fine be rude. I just wanted to know if the bracket is water proof."

"Yeah it is now I got to go. I'm at work. Don't forget..."

"Yeah. Yeah. I know. Don't pass the grass." I say in an annoyed tone and hang up.

I bend down and put my phone under the seat. Then a stinging pain came from my ass.

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