Chapter 8 - Deal?

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I slowly open my eyes and was blinded by a strong bright light shinning down at my face.

Damn Sun.

Sun? Damn it's Monday already?!

My eyes adjust to the light and I start looking around.

Old looking couch. Weird looking plate of food. Horrible gown that covers nothing behind me.

Crap! I'm in a hospital room.

I get up but then I'm pulled back down. I notice the hand cuffs on my right arm and a cast on my left.

To be perfectly honest my left hand doesn't hurt at all. So onto my first mission.

How to get these cuffs off.

I look around the room and on the plate of what this hospital calls food there was a sharp plastic knife. I grab it and play with the lock.

I smile to myself when I hear a satisfying click. I take off the handcuffs.

Second mission look for something to wear.

Inside the little cabinet was my clothes. I throw it on and slowly open the door.

Ah! Rookies no security by the door. I slowly walk out of the room. I follow the signs that lead to the exit.

I make a turn and bump into someone. I look up and see Ryder. Crap!

I quickly turn around and start speed walking.

"Alexis wait!" I'm running now and find myself heading back to the room I just came out of. I try and look for another exit and find one.

Once I step out of the hospital I see why there wasn't any security by the door.

Cops. Guys in Suits. Guns. Police Cars. Everywhere.

I wasn't that big of a deal. Was I? I mean I did manage to not be caught in a good 3 1/2 years. I was like MIA. Plus I was arrested 4 times before and managed to get myself out of it without no one being notified. And I did just escape a hospital room where I was handcuffed to a bed with only a plastic knife and a bullet graze on my left arm.

To be honest what I was arrested for was really stupid reasons. Like trespassing. I needed to live somewhere so I lived in an empty house that was up for sale for a while but then got caught. Illegal street fighting and illegal street racing. I needed money for me and Aden. Then driving while under the influence. I really don't have an excuse for that one but I do remember having a bad day.

So when you think about it maybe all the cops and cars outside wasn't so over the top.

I quickly turn around before anyone can see me but obviously with my luck someone pulled on my left arm ignoring the stinging pain that he caused I turned and was going to punch him but the face stopped me.

"How in the did you manage to get out of those cuffs. They are the best in the country!" Evan shouted in my face while still having a hard grip on my arm.

"If it can be picked by a bendy plastic hospital knife then I would reconsider the actual meaning of 'best in the country'." I say while a smirk on my face.

"God! You are relentless!" He sat my down on one of those hospital waiting room chairs that are permanently glued to the floor and handcuffed me again to the chair.

"I've been called worst." He tightens the cuffs on me and I wince.

"Do you ever learn?" I say motioning to the handcuffs. "I'm not letting you out of my sight again. And you are most certainly not going to see your brother again."

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