Chapter 6 - Story Time

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I wake up with something smothering me. I slowly turn my head and see Ryder and that thing that was smoothering me was his heavy as hell arm. I try to move but he has me locked in pretty tight.

I try to wiggle out of his grip but it doesn't work. God! Next time he sleeps on the couch with no arguments.

What do I mean by "next time" there such as hell won't be a next time.

I gently shove him away from me but he slurs and puts me in closer to him and even more tighter. This guy sure likes to cuddle.

I do the only thing that can get a guy at least 100 feet away from a girl. Trust me this method is 100% affective.

"Holy Shit!! I'm on my period !!! I think I stained the bed!!!!!" Ryder quickly sits up and tries to get the covers off himself but ends up losing the war with the sheets and falls face first on my hard wood floor.

"Crap." He says while getting up and rubbing his head. "Are it...what me to buy you you need anything?" He looks at me with something in between confusion and embarrassment.

I laugh at him. Loud. And hard. My eyes are at the point of crying. I get up from my bed and try to contain my laughter.

I grab my phone and take a picture of Ryder's face cause his face is priceless.

"What's so funny? Aren't you like pain?" Oh God he's serious. I thought he would get it by now.

"I just said that cause you had an iron grip on me and I couldn't  get up. So I did the only thing I could." I shrug and pick out a pair of black jeans and start looking for a top.

"So you aren''re know." This is too good. "I have no idea what you're talking about, Ron. Care to explain." He rubs his neck and I throw a white crop top that says "Normal is Boring" to go with my pants.

"Alexis you know what I mean." He sits on my bed and lays down. Then quickly gets up. I look at him like he grew a second head. "What?" He looks at the bed then back at me. "You didn't know...on you're bed."

I laugh while looking for my black converse. "God Ryder! No I'm not on my period. I was just messing with you therefore my bed is NOT stained and you can lay there. Damn!"

He lays back down. I get my clothes and change in the bathroom. I get out and Ryder is putting on his shoes.

"Come on where going out for.." I check my phone. 11:38am "....late breakfast or early lunch." He nods and on our way to my bike he grabs my hand while turning me around. "What?" I say it an annoyed tone in my voice.

"I've been thinking.." I interrupt him. "That must be new for you." He rolls his eyes then looks back at me seriously. "Like I was saying I've been thinking..." Once again I interrupt him. "Does it hurt? You know thinking."

He looks at me seriously then continues. "Seriously stop interrupting me." I stay silent. "Thank you. Now I want to give you a chance to tell me who you are before I find stuff out about you that you wouldn't like me to."

What the hell?! What's his problem? "What the hell do you mean you're gonna find stuff out about me?" I look deep in his eyes.

"Alexis I want to get to know you better." He takes a step forward and I take a step back. "Then just ask me and don't threaten me. I mean how am I supposed to trust you if I know as little about you than you know about me?"

"Sorry. I just..." He sighs deeply while closing his eyes. "Lets make this a get-to-know-you breakfast slash lunch." I nod and we head to my bike. "I'm driving this time." He runs to my bike and sits down.

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