Chapter 95:Whos Pup is he?"Surely not yours...!"

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Sorry for such a late update.Really busy with GCSE hope you all understand.


Rotting myself in the corner of the cell I let out a sigh,I hadn't seen Danny all day but I knew that the questions inside him was the only reason he wanted her.
I loved him and it was my fault!

But it was needed;he had to understand that the word is more important and the love for him was always inside her heart just not there to show him the prof,the sound of clicking had snapped her out of her thoughts as she looked up at the alpha!

His smile on his face just made me confused to why he was here?or why he was smiling?
"Your sons here!"Caden stated as that all it took her to stand in her feet in full force as she looked at the man for any signs for lied but there wasn't.



Standing there frozen just like the first time I had found Sam.But this time I could even hear my own friends and family congratulating me of having someone I never knew I had A......Son.

Just looking at the little boy who was no older then 7 or 8 staring right at him his green forest eyes straight heart face short nose long neck,everything was the same even the connection of bond was there he could feel it right between them.And that angered him to why Sam never told him he had a son.And Why Not?

"Alec!"the scream of Sammy's voice caught his attention snapping him out of his thought as he could finally hear everyone around but his lips were still sealed closed in a thin line looking at his mate and pup.
"Mommy!"Alec the little boy yelled running towards his mother as she crouched down wrapping her arms around him,he would have been part of them.Only if she allowed him!

"Sappy where did you find him."I finally spoke catching everyone's attention,Even Sammy's.
"I was in for a run when I saw a little boy running and that when I knew that was your son by the scent I caught of yours and Sammy."sappy said as I nodded yet a frown plastered on my face,I wasn't prepared for this.To have a sudden son show up at the pack house.

"I think me and Sam need to have a good long talk!"I growled angrily as she flinched but nodded standing up giving Alec to Jamie as a look crossed Sammy's face while she looked at sappy but walked towards me following me to our room.
As the two of us got inside I closed the door.I knew I needed to be sure if Alec was mine.

"Who's pup is he"?i asked even before I could stop myself the look of pain crossed her face and eyes as she stared at me,
"For sure not yours...."her answered hurt like a needle but I was foot at hiding my emotions past 10 years.

If I'm Your Mate Then Who Is She!  (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now