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I think this is it time for fairy to pop up lol that sounds wrong pop up like a baby just pops out yuk!!

I love babies but imagining it popping out can be cross any ways back to the book fairy is basically fairy god mother if you haven't realised

I have been adding these fairy tale after watching Cinderella 3 although I'm not a little child but I still love fairy tale and Cinderella

Ok back to story


"Long time no see"I said as I hugged my best friend
"I need you too check if she's alive or not"she asked concern laced in her voice I nodded she followed me to the empty room where no one is allowed

I closed my eyes as I imagined sapphire that's how magic works you have to think and focus on one thing and then pray follow the words from the magic book and then it shows

The glob lit up and there we saw the girl standing there with closer eyes as she wore her red cloak
"Sapphire"Athena whispered she was one of the elders of sapphires and Cadens pack

"O my god"I said as I saw the snakes from Rosa's head
"The beans sapphire the magic beans use it throw it at her"I muttered I knew this was the final stage and if she didn't pass the werewolf would be full of depression Caden and sapphire are the final

"I knew I shouldn't have let her if she fails the werewolf world would be full of depression"Athens said and I shook my head
"It was now or never it was suppose to happen Athens"I said and the globe went blank

Fingers cross I thought to myself


[beans are magic]my wolf told me I reached the beans that was in the basket and threw it at her I heard her groan I open my eyes too see her laying on the floor I grabbed her glasses and put it on her eyes and then got my dagger and cut her throat off

[burry it sappy]she told me again I was shaking but did as she said I buried the head in the ground and was about to burry the body when my eyes landed on the ring which had a skeleton face and vampire teeth it looked freaky

[burry it sappy]she told me again I was shaking but did as she said I buried the head in the ground and was about to burry the body when my eyes landed on the ring which had a skeleton face and vampire teeth it looked freaky

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As walked through the woods I sigh in relief as I made it through Rosa as I looked ahead on me my eyes widened as I looked at the magical place it was like a fairy world full of fairy tale

This looked like the castle in my dreams I had when I was small then it came reborn this was all part of the past it was a flash back I was developing the flash backs and memories In my dreams

I walked closer and closer my breath hitched as I looked around would the fairy be nice o my god what If she's horrible what is she doesn't like me

"Are you going to come in dear"I heard a voice I looked ahead and so the door open but no one was there so I walked in

And there she was with her magic wand

If I'm Your Mate Then Who Is She!  (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now