Chapter 69:WE WILL SEE

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Madilyn Bailey Hello Adele--->>

I was shocked at what I heard a hour ago at the lake opposite the pack house I was walking when I heard it was Miley this mean and I couldn't believe Sam and Danny are mates but the worst Miley is pregnant with Dans baby well that's what she says

As I looked around trying to find the girl that would have the answers to all this question Miley herself as I followed her self and ended up behind the pack house

As I was walking further down I stopped when I heard voices
"How could you Miley"I heard a male voice as I narrowed my eyes and leaned forwards to see who the manly voice was
"What do you expect me to do I had to bring her down"Miley shouted but not to loud for anyone to hear

As I looked my eyes widened my heart felt sore there stood Tyler my best friends mate why was everyone trying to attack my friends
"That's my baby not Danny's and you know it"Tyler yelled pinning Miley to the wall leaving me there frozen

As I took out my phone and recorded them talk
"So what Tyler you've got higher standard then Dan but Sam I hate her to death and when she's out of the way the baby and I will be all yours"Miley said making Tyler scoff and leave Mileys hand

"I don't want you Miley I never loved you the point for all this was to release my stress okay I don't love you I love Jamie the only reason I was all lovey to you was so I could get in your pants but that baby needs his father his real father and that's me"Tyler yelled and I couldn't believe this

"You'll want me soon don't worry but for know I need to focus on Sam so please excuse me"she said I hid my phone and let her got as I walked towards sam as he turned I slapped him across the face

"How can you fall so low"I yelled at him as he looked shocked at me
"Sapphire.Luna.I don't know I couldn't help myself I needed my stress to go and I knew Jamie would give me what I want I had been asking for months but she would always declined me Miley I knew she wasn't Dans mate so I used her and know she's pregnant but please don't tell Jamie I love-"I cut him off my eyes was burning with anger

"If you think I am dumb then carry on thinking because I am not going to let Jamir live in darkness where she doesn't know the truth"I yelled as I turned to leave but in wolf speed Tyler was in front of me

"This pack needs a beta female I have helped you why can you just let this be"he cried he was right he had helped me way to much but can I do this can I do this to Jamie not only her but to Danny and Sam

No I can't no.No.No

"No"I yelled pushing him as he fell on his knees crying
"WHY"he yelled as more tears fell
"Because if I had this truth not only will I be betraying my friendship but I will be ruining three lives"I yelled at him as he looked up at me

"Your right I am an idiot I admit it but you have no prof against me and Jamie won't believe you with out prof"he said as he looked at me his eyes were blood shot red but he didn't know I already had prof but I wasn't going to tell him that

"We will see"I said and walked past him brushing our shoulders

If I'm Your Mate Then Who Is She!  (Book I)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora