Chapter 81:KILL OR TRADE

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New Years song random -->>

"Doctor"I yelled he came running in
"Sorry alpha what's wrong"he said I wanted to crawl into a corner and cry but I new that would sort any situation
"Check her she's lost her memory"I said and he nodded as she looked at me our eyes stayed in contact
"Sorry alpha she lost too much blood and tiredness so she can't remember some off her memory you all need too help her"he said bowing I dismissed him letting him go

Memory loss



They told me I had too stay strong,They told me too have hope,They told me too make her fall in love with me all over again.But how could I.

When all I have is love which she can't return too me she doesn't know she has two beautiful pups she doesn't know she has a Mate,Heck I would go through hell if I can have her back too me

"Going through hell is worser"I heard a voice looking up I saw a women that I have never met she had white hair but she was very young her eyes was a mixed off Blue and green her skin was pale as white
"Who are you"I asked her voice sounded familiar but her face I couldn't recognise her
"We've talked before Caden I'm scarlet a friend off Sapphire and a witch"she said then everything flowed back into my head

The phone call her talk everything it all made sense too me know she was always the one who directed sapphire towards the right way she knew what was going to happen she knows the faith she can change it

"What brings you here"I asked as I stood up she walked closer towards me,
"Your faith,dear son you have powers that you have not discovered yet and it's time for you too lead the power too the right way"she said I narrowed my eyes in confusion thinking about what she said

"I have not idea what your talking about"I said she just laughed like there was something I didn't know or that I was stupid too not see it

"Remember clearly the bullet hit her stomach not her head and due too weakness she could have lost the babies but she hasn't she is in control by a witch which is why she doesn't remember you"she said my eyes widened in horror I couldn't believe this was true. how?

"How am I suppose too bring her memory back from that witch"I asked she placed a hand on my shoulders
"You have two options one too trade one of your pups with her blood sample or the second one kill her and bring her blood make Sapphire drink it"she said and I clenched my fingers at the thought of trading my pup never

"I will kill her where will I find her"I asked as I growled lowly
"On the other side of the world"she said and I cleared my voice
"How is it possible"I asked and she nodded
"On the other side off the world where all non living myth are alive the place where you'll find death close where you will find light of wishes"she said and I nodded but how was I supposed too get there

"The seventh star"she said I looked up at her confused she smiled and nodded
"The seventh star with where it will lead you too her where it protects you from evil the seventh star which hasn't been found yet and there is a very strange story behind it"she said as she sat down and I followed after her

"What is the story"I asked and she nodded as she took out a little book the side of a normal reading book
"The seventh star was one off the true Royals Jewls which is chosen by faith the chosen one was called Cade his life was perfect having his mate sapphire this story was about 1600 thousand years ago where the night of New Moon and the news off his death was told and when people went too get the Seventh star it had locked itself in a cage and flew away in the east ,After many years it had been found by a fisher everyone knew he found I but his greed had killed him no one knew how he died but the seventh star once again locked itself in a cage and flew away towards the East south "as she said that I scrunched my noise in confusions the names off me and sapphire the story

"When is the next New moon"I asked she nodded
"A week later but remember you leave through the door off magic and it won't let you in with out the love off mate so you have too take her with you"she said I combed my hair with my fingers I couldn't put sapphires life in danger

"She can get harmed"I said and scarlet just smiled
"True love has been lived through several centuries I don't think love can end in such a low time"she said and vanished I looked around for any signs for her but she was gone

The magic door I had heard about it but never went it was forbidden to go there by my grand father and I guess it's time too break the rule

"There you are come on"I heard Tyler's voice turning around I nodded and followed him out

If I'm Your Mate Then Who Is She!  (Book I)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें