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The promise we once kept is no longer believed in


I stared into his eyes as I saw nothing but love not lust but care he loved me truly and I knew waiting for my mate was what I needed to do but my wolf was some hoe encouraging me to accept him

"I love you too "I whispered as I hugged him tightly
"So does that mean you will be my girl friend"he asked I giggled and replied
"Yes yes yes yes"I shouted which made him laugh and I joined in

"Sam"I heard his voice which sent shivers down my spine I looked at my surrounding I was at the lake opposite the pack house I was remembering my past the best scenes of my life

As I slowly turned around looking at him the only person I could see in front of me was a cheater I couldn't forget the part where he has a growing pup inside Miley's stomach

"Sam"he repeated snapping me out of my thoughts I looked at him in his eyes seeing the love and care I once saw but again I wasn't going to fall for it like I once did before

My wolf was silent since that little out burst she was howling in pain and that was because of this useless mate of ours
"What are you doing here"I finally answered him he looked hurt as he stood in front of me

The hurt I was feeling was unrecognised it wasn't me who I always was its a broken girl who doesnt know what else to find from her life the tiny hope she had was know drowned

"Why didn't you tell me that why I am here to get my question out of you why didn't you tell me you were my mate"he yelled as he held both of shoulders pulled me closer that we were inches away

As he squeezed my shoulders feeling the burning sensation going through me by every touch of his but again he's the father of Mileys pup

"Because you've always been a cheater and you still are one"I whispered yelled as I looked at him my eyes were filled with tears I didn't bother stopping them I let it fall I closed my eyes

But I didn't expect his to do what he did!i didn't expect him to do this!I DIDNT EXPECT HIM TO BE DOING THIS AT ALL

he kissed me the word was spinning my world was spinning it had been a while since I felt those lips on me never in a million years have I ever thought

[hes not worth it if he wants us he has to prove it don't let him hurt you again]my wolf told me which shocked me since she was always the one defending him I pushed him away

He stumbled back
"I won't give in so quickly if you want me if you want us you have too prove it"I told him and walked past him and into the pack house I didn't know if I could forgive him but I wanted to see him try

I don't know if he deserved me or not but I was willing to see what he did and what he wants from me did he really love me or is he using me like he's always done broken me and left me

"Sam I found my mate"he said as I looked at him wanting him to say how stupid he was to think that but he didn't
"So"I asked wanting to know what he was going to stay
"We can be together I love my mate I am sorry if I led you the wrong way you knew this would come one day I guess we thought were meant for each other when we're not"he said each word that came out of his mouth tore my heart he word his said felt like I was walking in shattered glasses each word he said I felt needles in my heart

"Fine"I said and walked away

If I'm Your Mate Then Who Is She!  (Book I)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن