Chapter 27

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Holly's P.O.V

So I might be pregnant, atm I can't let it get to me because it might jeprodise (can't spell if) my chance of escape. I quickly jumped over the bed where 'THE LORD' is sleeping and unlocked the field at the window and jumped out. I didn't notice how high it actually were, because I was falling for about five minutes. I landed face first on the ground, luckily I was a vampire so it didn't hurt one bit. I sped of into the trees surrounding the castle I quickly ran to the 1D household. I burst through the door to see...

Niall's P.O.V

So I miss Holly so much it pains me I thought I could even pick up her sent but I must be imagining it. I brought home some random women I met at a club I went to. we were half naked and getting It on, on the couch. all the guys were out so it was just me and this blonde girl. halfway through our business the door burst open to show Holly shocked and pained. I swear I could hear her heart shattering, it pained me to see her like that but it was all my fault. I think she knows we've been mated together...

How I Met One Direction Completedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें