Chapter 26

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Holly's P.O.V

So today's the day I'm gonna escape, all I'm gonna do is jump out the window. Simple right?. Wrong they've protected the castle with an electric force field. the only way to cut the power is using a small metal key that hangs around the Lords neck. that what I have to call him The Lord, like what the hell! it sound like some sort of movie. Pathetic.

Niall's P.O.V

So today's the day we're gonna get Holly out, and for her safety we are keeping Caitlin at home. Poor Caitlin after I lashed out with her she's being distant and scared, following Liam like a lost puppy. I feel absolutely awful, it's all my fault what will Holly say when she finds out I BLAMED her BEST-FRIEND on nothing that was her fault.

Harry's P.O.V

I think that there is something wrong with Caitlin because she looks so lost and frightened. maybe it's because she knows we're werewolves, but then again when she looks at Niall she cowers away. what did Niall do?..

Holly's P.O.V

So I did the most DISGUSTING thing I've ever done, I slept with Lord Payne. well he was sleeping now so it's a good chance to get the key from him to get out of here. so I slowly pulled the key from around his neck and walked towards the door. I glanced down to the floor to notice a condom? I looked closer to see it empty! OMG WHAT IF IM PREGNANT!!!!!!

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