Chapter 25

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Holly's P.O.V

so after I was dragged of, they injected some drug into me. when I woke up I was in a what looked like a master bedroom. I looked out of the window and saw I was in some sort of castle. even me who was turned last week can guess I'm in the lords castle. someone walked through the door.

"Hello I'm lord Payne my last name might seem familiar because I'm Liam Payne father"...

Liam's P.O.V

I know where Holly is but I don't want anyone to know who my father is. Lords are evil, malicious, and all in all bad people. that's why I refused to take my fathers place as Lord Payne...

Holly's P.O.V


"So why am I here?"

"Well your powers are magnificent, and the power I could have with it is extraordinaire and I want to make you mine. FOREVER" *evil laugh*

"Holly?" I heard in my mind

"Er yeah?" I thought

"Where are you?" he/she said

"Lords castle who are you?"

"OH SHIT,and Niall" he replied.

"Oh right guess what!"


"I get the pleasure of marrying Lord Payne, that's right I said Payne and Lord together meaning Liam's dad, he's so old and gross I think I'm gonna be sick"

".... Are you gonna marry him?" he asked quietly.

"Eww no I'm gonna find a way out of here if it kills me..."

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