Chapter 5

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Holly's P.O.V

I was being jumped on, I groaned and turned over. I had forgotten I was on a sofa and fallen face first onto the floor. I turned my head a saw Louis sat in the seat I was lying on. "you have 3 seconds to run" he quickly jumped over the back of the sofa and sprinted of the bus. I was hot on his trail when he started to slow down so I took this chance to tackle him to the ground. I jumped on top of him to see he had a massive smirk plastered on his face. I shoved a massive and hand full of dirt in to his face and rubbed it about to make him look like a pile of walking dog poo. I stop and just stared, getting lost in his amazing blue eyes. We started leaning in when I heard a awkward cough from next to use. I quickly jumped up, dusted myself of and walked into NANDOs. I walked straight to the toilets and washed my hands because they were covered in mud and dirt.

Louis P.O.V

"Why did you do that" I groaned at Niall. "because" he started "I love her and don't want you to take her from me" and he strutted straight into NANDOs.

Harry's P.O.V

WHAT!!!!!!!! did I hear right did Niall just say he was in love with Holly.

No.No.No.No.No This can't happen I love Holly she is the girl I've been waiting for my entire life I can't just let her walk away. So I no believe Louis, me and Niall like Holly please say the other boys don't to.

Liam's P.O.V

Niall has just said he was in love with Holly that just basically shattered my heart. I love Holly. I love the way she snores softly while she's sleeping, the way her hair falls in front of her face while she sleeps. I need her in my life as more than friends.

Zayn's P.O.V

Last night Harry told me he loved Holly. now niall a just admitted it. Louis nearly kissed her. Liam gives her the look he gets when he's in love. then there's me the Bradford bad boy who loves who to. I want Holly as my girl. I have to beat 5 other people. I need a plan...

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