Chapter 4

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Liam's P.O.V

Harry and Niall were both staring at Holly longingly did they both like her? I think Holly noticed them staring at her because she started shifting in her seat. I thought about letting the awkwardness go a little longer but it might make matters worse. I decided to end it. "alright boys.. and girl what do you want for dinner?" as soon as I said this Niall snapped out of his little trance and shouted "NANDOS!!!" I just laughed at him "err driver please can you take us to the nearest NANDOs" mentally note 'get drivers name'

Holly's P.O.V

Liam came and sat down in between me and Niall. I leaned up and whispered "thank you" with a smile. "For what?" he asked "Stopping the awkwardness" her replied with a smile :-). He placed his arm around the back of the cough we were sitting on, and I slowly and carefully snuggled into his side. I could see out the corner of my eyes Harry and Niall shooting daggers and Liam. oh if looks could kill we would so be dead. I let out a massive tired yawn and moved my head into his lap. "why don't you get some sleep you've had an eventful day we will wake you when we get to NANDOs" I gave a weak smile and snuggled up in his lap. I could feel him slowly drape a blanket over me and I let the world of dream take over me....

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