Chapter 16

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Zayns P.O.V

So after we found Holly and the bus driver just finishing a fight, I was able to get a proper good look at her and she looked HOT!

Louis P.O.V

Wow why happened in to Holly in the time that she was gone? her hair has grown she looks so good and now my love for her is stronger.

Holly's P.O.V

I felt a strange pull towards the boys and I turned to look at them. they were all staring at me, so I looked be hind me and saw nothing. it was getting pretty late and the moon light was shining on my face. hmm I wonder what I look like...

Police officer (man) P.O.V

Ok, so we found a very pretty girl who had everything about her perfect, ok so I assume that, that was Holly. she looked nothing like she did in the pictures that we've seen of her but something about her smell, I can tell she's not human anymore. She must have gone through the change, but I wonder what her power is. I must tell the other vampire lords that she's different.....


A/N ohhh vampire lords :/ scary stuff that ;-)

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