I roll my eyes "Why?" I ask instead.

He looks up at me, from behind the rim of his Ray Ban sunglasses. He has this look in his eyes that says 'really?'

"Because you walk to school every day, I live right next to you so it's not like it's out of the way or anything. And it's getting colder out, I don't want you getting sick." He rambles returning his gaze back to his phone.

"Thank you." I say smirking as I go around the car and get in the driver's side. I flip the radio station and put my seat belt on, placing my bag on my legs.

"Your welcome." Kyan says as he puts the car in drive and floors it. I have begun really enjoying the way he drives. It's a rush compared to the rest of my life. Everything about him is. He himself is a rush.

I've loved what Kyan Leighton has brought into my life. I smile as he takes a curve at a much more dangerous speed than allowed by the law. Feeling my body shift and jolt in my seat, as the car turned.

"You're enjoying yourself a little too much." Kyan says out of nowhere.

"So what if I am?" I ask as he brakes, making my body lean forward before my seat belt locks, and sending my back into my seat.

"Are you going to Clay's party?" Kyan asks me as the light turns green, and the car speeds off.

"Clay? Clay Martin?"

"Yeah, everyone is saying that his party will be the best out of all of them." Kyan answers my question.

"Umm. Probably not. It's not really my thing. And besides my parents probably won't let me." I answer awkwardly as I play with the hem of my sweater.

"Oh, well you're going. I'll figure it out. Because you are coming to this party." Kyan says as well pull into a parking spot in front of the school.

"May the odds be ever in your favor." I say jokingly as I get out of the car. Kyan makes his way around the car and slings an arm over my shoulders. The entire school had heard that we were together. And then they had heard that Kyan was joking around.

Let's just say they preferred to believe the earlier. Everyone was insisting that we were together, I got complete strangers coming up to me and asking about it. The only thing I cared about was that Paul had seemed to drop it.

We walk into the school and are immediately greeted by Jax and Reece. They stand on either side of the door opening, waiting for us to walk in. and once we do they are by our sides and talking our ears off.

"Are you going to the party?"

"Are you going to Clay's party?"

"What are you wearing?"

"Nothing? Cause that's always an option too." Reece winks at me. Kyan stops abruptly in the hallway and turns to him.

"Of course she'll be wearing something. Anything. I don't care. But she's not going naked with a bunch of guys staring at her. Especially you." Kyan barks as he makes slow steps towards Reece.

I grab Kyan's arm tugging on it "Kyan stop! Seriously! Of course I am going to wear something! He was joking. Leave it be!"

He finally stops and turns back to me, putting his arm around my neck and walking on like nothing happened. I see Reece and Jax exchange a pointed look with each other before smirking and regaining there places next to us.

What in the world were all these looks for?

We make our way to our classes and we all part ways. I could feel my ribs starting to bother me. the Advil was already wearing off; it wouldn't be long before I couldn't walk well.

The Badboy Next Door #badboy #romance #teen fiction #forbidden #loveWhere stories live. Discover now