12.What Happens When The Lights Go Out

Start from the beginning


Nice? What do you mean? To each other?"

"No we're pretty nice to each other. Sometimes."

"But you both really like each other?"


"Oh but you're mean to other people."

"Yeah pretty much, but it's totally justified."

"Interesting. What did you both do? I know you went to the mall a week ago. What happened? Ashton said he had a great time and I noticed how he was smirking to himself. Yes I do notice those things."

I went on to explain what we did. She listened intently then burst out laughing. We all got our Panini's and sat in the living room. "So your whole plan worked out that well?" She asked.

"Yeah. We didn't expect it to either. And I completely didn't know that Alyssa was actually cheating with Peter Waterlyn."

"That is seriously brilliant."

"Thank you." I said smiling.

"So Ashton told us you were different but I never expected you to be like this!"

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"Hell no. I like you. Between you and me all his other girlfriends were complete bimbos who would never eat any of my food I made for them, and they weren't half as much fun as you."

"Thank you."

"I also have to say you are a perfect match for Ashton. You're the perfect person to challenge him. He's always gotten what he wants and with you, he might get a wake up call."

"What do you mean?"

"Well all his other girlfriends were completely submissive just because he's good looking and would always try to please him, when you don't give a damn."

"That is true."

"So I want to know how did you both end up together?"

"A bet." Ashton said butting in.

"A bet?" Theresa repeated.

"Yeah a guy bet me that I couldn't get Brooke to be my girlfriend and I tried to but I had way to much fun messing with her, but I ended up really liking her after I got past her annoyingness. Then the rest is history."

"You knew about the bet?" Jim asked me.

"No. Not until recently."

"You weren't mad?"

"I was furious. But he explained everything to me and I punched him then decided the excuse was valid."

Jim laughed. "Pretty and a great personality. Good job Ashton." He said. I blushed a little.

"I know what can I say, I'm that good." Theresa and I both punched him in the arm and laughed.

Then we heard the door burst open and came in two boys that looked very similar to Ashton and behind them was a little girl probably about thirteen.

"Tyler! Henry! Glad you guys could make it. Way to be late."

"Sorry! The line at the grocery store was long and Emily took forever to pick a stupid ice cream flavor."

"I'm sorry! I didn't know what Brooke would want!" With that their attention drew to me. I waved and smiled.


"Oh Brooke I'm sorry. These are my older brothers Tyler and Henry and my little sister Emily."

They all smiled and waved. "We forgot to get something for dessert so we went to get some ice cream."

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