"Of course Evan," I told him, smiling at him in encouragement.

He smiled in return and began with "I love you."

"I love you, too," I said automatically.

He just chuckled slightly and lifted his hand up to my lips and said softly, "Don't interrupt."

Evan returned his hand back to mine and his eyes trailed from my eyes down to my collarbone and slightly below, where I knew the necklace he gave me so long ago still rested.

He reached up and ran his finger under his collar until he came up with his matching necklace. He looked down at it for a moment and then he looked back over at me.

"Have you ever thought about how crazy it is that we still where these? I mean, I Should have bought you a better necklace by now right? Perhaps some diamonds or pearls or something pretty right?"

I opened my mouth to respond, but he quickly placed his finger over my lips and shook his head slightly. I closed my mouth and nodded for him to continue.

"But there is just something about these that makes me feel like we can't take them off. I feel like they represent us and... I feel like they remind me of that first summer and how I felt about you then. There was no doubt in my mind that I loved you then and there is no doubt in my mind that I love you now and maybe seeing these just makes me remember how we started. I mean to be honest...that first summer was everything to us. That first summer is where we set the foundation for the relationship we have today. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if we didn't run into each other. What if we just ran right past each other? I mean I know I would have noticed how beautiful you are, but I don't know if I would have ever stopped to talk to you, ya know?" Evan asked, but I knew he didn't want me to reply.

I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this, but I knew him well enough that he had something to say and he would get to it eventually. He knew what he wanted to end with, but he was still trying to figure out how to get there. I knew that because I was almost the complete opposite. I wasn't one to drag on about something, I usually just said what I needed to say and it was over. Evan on the other hand, was known for his drawn out and incredibly moving speeches. I had a feeling this was going to be one of them.

"You know the past couple years have been pretty good to us. We have a relationship that is probably one of the best I have ever seen. I don't know anyone else who communicates like we do. When I look at you Maria, I know what you're feeling, I know what you're thinking, like right now you are thinking that Ryan and Rachel have that kind of relationship and yes you are right they do," he said and he was right. I had thought of them and how they are almost as perfect together as Evan and I, almost.

I smiled at Evan and nodded my head slightly for him to continue. My hair came out from behind my ear and Evan returned it to its place before continuing.

"Maria we are the definition of in love. We have gone through things together that I know I couldn't have done without you. I know that without you by my side I never would have gotten through that first summer. I was so lost and sad and I hadn't completely dealt with the fact that my mom was gone. A couple years ago, I couldn't have dealt with my dad being diagnosed with prostate cancer. That almost destroyed me but you helped me thought it and now he is doing better and somehow I feel like that is in part due to your optimism. I know I couldn't have dealt with college in general without you by my side. You are so good to me and good for me and I know without a doubt that you make me a better person. Just seeing you makes me smile it puts me in a good mood. Just having your hand in mine makes my heart beat faster and I want to make you happy forever," Evan's tone was turning to a slightly more serious tone and I knew he was getting closer to saying what he had started out to say.

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