b o n u s c h a p t e r # 3

Start from the beginning

She hadn't hung out with Liam in ages, and she missed him. Vegas waved at her best friend, tearing up at how he looked a bit older, now that he was a father to twin boys. Harry caught her attention next, grabbing her hand for her to stand, and him to guide her into the center of the room. His finger rubbed to her chin, as he sung, "Somehow, it feels like nothing has changed right now. My heart is beating the same out loud. Someone's calling my name, and it sounds like you."

The familiarity of the situation made Vegas swell with love. She suddenly recalled him doing a similar scenario at their wedding, and her heart echoed through her ear drums subconsciously. She watched as figures appeared around their home, seeing the same group of men from their wedding sing to her so lovingly.

"When I close my eyes, all the stars align. And you are by my side. You are by my side."

Louis, Niall, Liam, and the unknown man continued to croon her and their children on that Christmas morning. Vegas was sinking into her husband's embrace, sheltering from everyone to prevent them from seeing her cry. Her eyes leaked with tears that soaked Harry's shirt, as she was immensely happy. When the song had reached its end, Harry wiped the moisture from her cheeks, kissing the stained areas and ending on the texture of her lips.

"Merry Christmas, Queen Vegas Adele Styles." The heat from his touch spread through her limbs, electrifying them to hug him for the hundredth time. "I will go to the ends of the earth to prove that my love for you is real. I haven't truly appreciated everything that you do by my side, and I'm here to tell that I surely do not take you for granted. You are a caretaker, a wonderful mother to our children, and most of all, a wife that could never be replaced. I am asking, after eleven years of marriage, if you would renew our vows with me?"

He bent down on one knee, cupping her tender hand and pressing his lips to each knuckle. "Marry me again."

Vegas didn't know to place her words in a sentence. She was oozing with happiness that couldn't be explained, and her heart wasn't prepared for such events. Her eyes skimmed over the men that assisted in wooing her, and smiled widely enough to show every front tooth she had. "Yes...yes I will marry you again!"

Harry raised her from the ground to spin, squeezing her until her feet rested on the carpet. Riley and Ryan led the bunch of little ones to tackle their parents in a hug, laughing until they detached and Harry stood to thank his friends for helping him.

"Honey, I'll like you to meet Zayn. He's a student of Louis, and he overhead us talking in Louis' classroom when writing the song," Harry introduced his wife to the man she didn't know, and she happily shook his hand.

"Pleasure to meet you. You have a great voice, by the way." She complimented him kindly, and he earnestly nodded with a faint grin.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," He finally muttered.

"Oh no! Call me Vegas. That's what my friends call me," She advised, "Thank you for helping my husband."

"It was a pleasure. I was bored anyway," He shrugged playfully.

"When you should of been doing more work," Louis rolled his eye at his student, crossing his arms. "You have some nerve saying that and you do nothing."

"Homework requires effort. And, I lack effort." Zayn rubbed the back of his neck, exhaling.

"Vegas, congratulations on the second proposal," Niall interjected with his hand swiping in the air. "I've retired, but this was oddly more fun to do. My wife is going to kill me though."

"Go home to her, stupid!" Vegas swatted his chest, and he blinked.

"You're right. I should! See you all later!" Niall departed in a rush, leaving Liam to walk over after playing with the kids.

"Hey, I should get going to. The babes at home, and she barely approved of me doing this. Call me later, Vee." Liam kissed his friend's cheek, and waved to everyone else. Zayn followed behind him with Louis arguing in his ear. Harry and Vegas laughed at them all, feeling overwhelmed with excitement.

"Mummy, will you and daddy have another wedding?" Ryan asked of her mother, tilting her head to the side.

"Yes, and you all will be apart of it this time. Can you believe mummy and daddy have been married for eleven years?" Vegas shared with her child, walking to the couch to sit. "Crazy, huh?"

"Yeah! I want you guys to be together forever!" Ryan exclaimed, tugging Harry to sit next to his wife. "Perfect! See?"

"Yes, I do," Harry whispered, looking down to Vegas and her loving simper. "And it is perfect."

"Oh! I almost forgot." Vegas was completely immersed in Harry's gaze that she has forgotten the gift she has gotten for him. She reached behind the tree to plop the nearly box in front of him. "It's no song, but I figured that you would like it?"

Harry blushed with warm cheeks, peeling the wrapping paper back to see a small, suede box. He was confused. "What's this...?"

"Just open it!" She rushed.

He proceeded to open it, a silver band engraved with names in small font glimmered before him. Harry was speechless; he froze until Vegas took the lead, and removed the ring from his finger to slide on the new one. "It has all of our names engraved in it, with my name in diamonds, so everyone knows that you are mine. Even from far away," She explained, smirking and kissing his lips innocently.

"You are something, Vegas."

"I know!"

Tears had unexpectedly fell from his emerald eyes, and he wiped them away to cup her jawline. Their lips met gently, his fingers combing through the curly strands of her hair. They parted, resting their foreheads to touch. "I love you so much..."

"And, I love you." She replied in a giggle. "With all of my heart."


Author's Note: MERRY CHRISTMAS (to all that celebrate it), and HAPPY HOLIDAYS (to everyone else)! I hope you spend this time to really love and appreciate your family, and friends!

Thank you for reading my book, even after it being finished! I wanted to put off this until Christmas, so it can serve as a little present for you guys. My loyal readers!

Comment what you want to see next! I can take new requests or remind me of the ones I already said I'll do! I don't want this to be the end of the Vegas+Harry legacy!

Also, this book (along with Oh, Mr. President) have been nominated for Best Fanfiction on seasonalxawards page under the "The Winter Fanfiction Awards" book! If you can, drop a vote? I'll love you, and if you don't, I already love you! If you do, let me know and I'll thank you!!!

Anyway, have a lovely day! It's currently midnight where I live, so I've gotta get some sleep!

Thank you for reading!

Love you all,
Dani xo

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