Chapter 12

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Kirstie was only in the pack for about two days before Scott showed up as well.

After they'd all gotten settled in, Travis took them all in for checkups at the doctor, so he could have their current medical records.

In the doctors office, they split into groups as they went into each of their rooms. Travis, Alex and Avi together, Kevin and Kirstie, and finally Scott and Mitch.

Mitch had been ecstatic when Scott moved in, but he was trying to be calm about it in front of Avi. So when they were finally alone together, waiting for the nurse to come in, Mitch immediately tapped Scott's shoulder to get his attention before he could sit down.

Scott turned with a grin. "What's up?"

"C-Can I have a hug, Sir?"

Scott continued to smile, as he grabbed Mitch in a tight hug. "You don't have to ask me, Mitchie."

"It's p-polite."

"Hey... Could you do me a favor, and not stutter around me? It's not that it's not adorable, because it is, but... It makes me feel like you're scared of me. And that's the last thing I want you to be."

Mitch pulled away from him, though Scott's hands lingered on his hips. "Of course, Sir. I will try my hardest."

Scott smiled at him again. "Good. Just as long as you're trying. That's what matters."

The nurse walked in all of a sudden, causing the two to jump apart. She just smiled, as if she hadn't seen anything. "Hello, boys. My name is Aziza. It's wonderful to meet you!"

Scott hopped up onto the paper covered bed. "Ooh. That's a pretty name."

She grinned widely, clipboard under her arm. "Why, thank you! It's Arabic for 'precious'."

Mitch hurried to sit beside Scott, giving the nurse a smile. "I wish I had a name like that."

Aziza looked down at her clipboard and then shook her head. "Well, Mitchell, I think your name is perfectly fine all by itself. And you have two middle names! That's pretty cool if you ask me."

Scott turned to him. "You have two middle names?"

Mitch blushed a little under his gaze. "Uh.. Yes, Sir. I do. Hyphenated names actually."

"That's cute." Scott turned back to the nurse. "Anyhow... What exactly are we doing for this check up? You're not gonna hit my knee with that rubber hammer thing, are you?"

Aziza laughed. "Uh, no. I am not. But I am going to weigh you, scale you, test you... And a few other things. The doctor will come see you after I'm done, to explain your results."

Mitch suddenly sat up a little taller. "Weigh us?"

"Yes, and I'll need to do a few extra things for you, as you're an Omega. But if you're not comfortable doing them in front of this Alpha, I'll take you to a different location when it's your turn."

Mitch nodded slowly. "I, uh.. I'll get back to you."

She smiled widely. "Alright. That's fine. Let's begin with the easy part then. I'll need you both to stand up."


When they finally got to the scale part of the test, after they'd given urine samples, Mitch begged Scott to go first on the scale.

Scott wasn't worried about it at all, and didn't quite catch that Mitch was afraid. He stepped up onto the scale, as the nurse quickly scribbled down a few things.

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