Chapter 11

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For all my fellow Americans, and everyone else impacted by 9.11.01 #NeverForget

I love you all :*


Travis had gently helped Alex pull his pants back up to where they belonged, even fixing Alex's belt for him, before looking up to meet Alex's eyes. "Alexander? I want you to listen to me for a second, okay?"

Alex nodded sadly, still wiping tears from his face. "Yes, Sir. I'm listening."

"Never. Never, will I make you pay me for something with your body. Yes? You pay me back with your respect and your loyalty. Everything else? I'll take care of myself."

Alex frowned at him. "But... Sir, I don't mean to argue..."

"Then don't. Don't tell me whatever mindfuck you've been convinced of. Your other pack was full of sick Alphas. Their rules don't matter here, in the realm of the sane. Okay?"

"Yes, Sir. But I just don't understand, is all."

Now that he'd been brought back to reality, Travis remembered Alex's injury. "How about... Let's sit down over here, and I'll patch you up, and then you can tell me. Okay?"

Alex obeyed immediately, sitting down where Travis told him to. Travis frowned at Alex working so hard to hide his stomach from Travis, both hunching over a little and using his arms as cover.

To fix this, Travis asked that he lay face down on the couch, and then Travis knelt down beside Alex's upper back to begin working.

Within the first second, Alex flinched away. "You'll be gentle, won't you? Please?"

"Of course I will. I just have to disinfect it, and then put a few band aids on. Okay? Not even five minutes, I promise."

"Yes, Sir." Alex mumbled back, closing his eyes as if to brace himself.

"So, tell me what you don't understand, Alex." Travis prompted, hoping that getting him to talk would distract Alex from the sting.

Alex sniffled a little more, still recovering from earlier. "Well... I just don't understand how you guys were all so welcoming to us. You should've just left us there. Why you made our problems into your own problems, is beyond me."

"Tell me this, Alexander. If you saw someone walking their dog, and the dog did something to anger the owner, and then the owner kicked the dog... Would you feel bad for the dog? Or would you side with the owner, that the dog must've done something wrong?"

"Of course I'd feel bad for the puppy." Alex replied with a frown, crossing his arms in front of himself to rest his chin on them. "But that doesn't mean I'd be able to help him at all. If the owner was an Alpha..."

"Alphas, Omegas... Wrong is wrong, in the grand scheme of things. Lucky you, though. Because it wasn't you that saw the dog get kicked by the owner. It was me. And me, being an Alpha... I came to save you. Right? You and the little guy."

"Right, Alpha."

"So what does it matter what my intentions were? Or what my motivation was? You were being abused, and I got you out of there. Be thankful, rather than questioning me."

"Of course, Sir. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful."

"Moving on." Travis put a band aid on one of the wounded spots. "Next thing?"

"I only have one more, Sir... But it's kind of about my other Alphas. I won't ask if it'll upset you."

"No, no. Go ahead. I'll try to restrain myself."

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