Chapter 4

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Once he'd made his decision, he couldn't go back on it. Alex met Tony's eyes, and then bit him as hard as he could.

Tony stumbled back with a shout, and Alex pulled himself away from Jamie in a rush as Jamie went to Tony's aid.

Alex then hurried to his feet and ran down the hall, throwing open Chris' bedroom door as quickly as he could.

Mitch was openly sobbing as he slid his own pants down his legs, though he froze when he saw Alex stumbling toward him.

Alex grabbed Mitch in a hug, though his left arm was immobile. "Don't touch him!"

Chris tried to pull them apart, but Alex was holding on for dear life. "He's too young for this bullshit! You guys didn't even let him experience the world or anything about it before you trapped him in here!"

Jamie appeared behind him, and grabbed a fistful of Alex's hair to yank him away from Mitch, before smacking him across the face. "Watch your mouth, dumbass."

Alex finally found, as he now sat on the ground, that he was very close to being in too much pain to fight anymore. But he didn't want to give up quite yet.

Jamie then eyed Mitch up and down, as he was nearly naked. "Damn, Michelle."

Alex tried to stand, but fell into the wall. "W-Wait, don't--"

The next and last thing he saw, was Tony's infuriated fist coming to punch him in the nose as hard as he could.

Mitch watched Alex fall to the ground, unconscious now, and his eyes widened a little as Jamie stalked toward him.

Matt rushed into the room at the loud noise, and gasped loudly. "What the fuck are you guys doing?"

Jamie just shrugged, reaching forward to slowly pull Mitch's boxers off of his hips. "Nothing."

Mitch tried to back away, but Chris stood behind him, holding his hips hard enough to bruise them.

Matt dropped down beside Alex, grabbing his arm and feeling for a pulse. "What the--? Tony! What the fuck did you do to him?!"

Tony just shrugged, walking over to Mitch and yanking his head back to attach his lips to Mitch's neck, though he could taste some of Mitch's tears falling.

Matt stood up and gave Tony a shove. "You dumbass, he needs to go to the hospital!" He shoved Jamie too. "I don't know what you guys think you're doing, but killing an Omega is something you're not ready to deal with!"

Jamie shoved him right back. "Then take him to the hospital! Leave me alone!"

"What is the matter with you people?! You'd rather rape this poor Omega than make sure his friend isn't dead?!"

Tony just shrugged. "Well.. Yeah."

Matt finally rolled his eyes, and grabbed Chris' upper arm. "Just help me get him into the car. Okay? Then you can do whatever the fuck you want."


When Alex woke up, a nurse was writing something on a clipboard right beside him.

She grinned down at him, after he let out a groan. "Good afternoon, Mr. Kirk. Do you know where you are?"

Alex nodded a few times. "Yes, Ma'am. My name is Alex. I'm 24 years old. The current Leader is the First Alpha."

She slowly checked off all of the boxes. "You've done this before..?"

"Yes, Ma'am. I need to get home. I need to find Mitch."

"Unfortunately, you're going to need to stay here for a few days. You seem to have a broken nose, and a dislocated shoulder."

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