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Have you ever wondered passed those wary hills?

Or seek the nightmares that brought you thrills?

Ever dreamt up blissful place?

Seen a passed loved one's face?

In a dream,

A place of wonders and fright

Passed reality and into the night.

In a dream,

Things that we cannot explain,

Simple, yet it can never be taimed.

In a dream is where we go

to escape the real and enjoy the show

some slip away as we awake

others haunt us, make us shake

Give us goosebumps with their frightful show

Have our hearts racing

got us shouting "no!"

Hard to distinguish reality from fake

Pushed to decisions we wouldn't normally make

in a dream, a frightful nightmare scene

Fight of flight? Our senses keen

suddenly stopped by fear

franticly asking why am I here?

In a dream

A thousand meanings crammed into one

all lost with the rising sun

We spend hours trying to figure them out

Books laced with pages, claim to answer our doubts

But what we must consider whether night or day

A dream is a game our brains like to play

Trickery can slip into our minds

The trick is to read between the lines

Close our eyes and watch it all unfold

Under the stars or in the blistering cold

But sometimes we must accept

that our dreams our wild and cannot be kept.

A/N: Well I hope you enjoyed the poem, this is my first try at poetry hope it's not too bad. I know there are mistakes ill fix' em later. any who it would make a 13 year old girl very happy if you gave me some feedback on my poem. please don't be too harsh though, because I knows it's not that good but i still tried :( wellz youz guyz comment positive and negative welcome, vote if thought it was good, and fan because you love me ^_^

A Dreamers Outlook On DreamsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang