"Are all the servers connected at least?" Sol saw the major chance Andy was betting on.

"Don't worry, I have a plan," Andy assured her.


Andy, Sol, and Lightning all leapt to their feet, or more accurately, Andy and Lightning jumped to their feet. Sol tried, but instantly fell back onto the couch, holding her side in pain. The speaker stepped out of the shadows of the doorway. It was a teenaged boy with bowl cut brown hair and black eyes. Andy recognized him and instantly calmed.

"HEY! It's good to see you buddy!" Andy smiled at the new comer.

"Who's the new guy?" Sol asked.

"Oh, this is Diego," Andy introduced him. "He's a new Assassin like you, Sol."

"Nice to meet you, Diego," Sol smiled softly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm lightning." She introduced herself.

"Anyway," Andy smiled, motioning for Diego to join them on the couch. "Back to business, one of us should go under cover as an Abstergo employee and see if they can gather any information about the Observatory."

"But their looking for us," Sol said. "They already know our faces."

"Your right," Andy agreed.

The group looked at each other, pondering a solution. This was the same dilemma they faced every time they tried to plan the next mission. It was like an impenetrable wall. Then it dawned on them. Andy, Lightning, and Sol all grinned and turned to Diego. He gave them a confused look.

"So I guess it'll have to be you," Sol patted Diego on the shoulder. "Andy, Lightning and I are currently the subjects of a man hunt, so we can't go."

"Jeez, you sure?" Diego questioned a slight tremble in his voice. "I'm pretty new, and that sounds pretty important."

"Desperate times call for desperate measures," Andy shrugged.

"Yep," Lightning put a reassuring hand on his knee. "But we know you'll help us the best you can. You'll do great, Okay?"

"Okay," He nodded. "How long till the mission starts?"

Andy grabbed Diego and stood, dragging him with him. He knew from his talks with Diego's mentor that the kid was a very nervous person. He knew he could trust him, but he wasn't sure if he could complete the mission. Andy would normally object to sending a new guy in by himself, but the Montreal Assassins had made it very clear they no longer wanted to help and as for Ann and Nerida, those two are probably dead drunk right now; they don't take failure well. He walked Diego to the door and handed him an earpiece.

"We need to get you in there as soon as possible," Andy told him. "But don't worry; we'll walk you through the whole thing. First you need to steel an Abstergo ID badge and uniform to get in the building. I'll tell you the rest once you've done that."

"Good luck and try not to get killed," Sol smiled. "I hope the Templars don't recognize you."

"They won't," Andy assured them. "He's new so there's no way they have record of him."

Diego nodded at turned the door knob. He seemed hesitant to leave, but still he stepped outside. Sol suddenly got us from the couch and walked over to him.

"WAIT!" she stopped him. "Before you go, take this with you."

She pulled a necklace from her pocket and slipped it into his hands. Diego looked at her in confusion, examined the charm in his hand, and gasped in horror. Andy, concerned, looked over his shoulder to see what was on the chain. It was a Templar cross.

Assassin's Creed: Winter's FallingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant