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I just started watching Free! recently so if I get something about free! wrong then my apologies. Sorry xP Enjoys~ Cx

"So where is it that we're going to?" ask Lisanna.

" Iwami, Tottori" said Lucy "that's what Aquarius said"

I wonder what its like there....I wonder what Juvia is doing...who she is with. Obviously she's not dead. Who can let someone like Juvia die.

"Isn't it at least a two day walk?" Ask Gray "Couldn't we taken the train or at least a car"

"Stop whining" I shouted.

"We've been walking for two hours now" said Levy "I'm tired"

"Some people or most of us here have motion sickness" said Rogue.

"That makes four of you and five of us" said Erza.

I look around. Less than half of the people I forced to come showed up.

Me, Gajeel, Rogue, and Sting who are motion sickness.

Erza, Gray, Lucy, Lisanna, and Levy who don't have motion sickness.

" I even invited the entire school" I said "End is leaving to america today and Igneels at work. Zerefs locked himself in his room. Happy's at school. Ugghh. How are we suppose to find Juvia like this"

"How about this" said Erza and Jellal appear in his car. "We get there and look for Juvia while you guys make your way there slowly" and she hop in "come on in"

The rest got in but us four.

"If you run at 100 mph you should get there in less than two hours." Said Levy "have fun"

"W-w-wait what?!" I shouted and they're already gone.

Oh hell no.

I begin to run.

"Natsu?!" Shouted the rest.

"Sorry but I gotta get to Juvia as soon as possible!" I shouted.

I ran quickly at full speed.

Wait for me Juvia.

Gray POV

"We're here!" Shouted Lucy and we got out of the car.

Her phone begin to ring and she picked up. "End? Yeah we just got here. Mmhm. Yeah yeah. I won't! I'll be careful. Don't worry"

I look at my phone.

Should I contact Ultear?

We then separated into groups. Me with Lucy and Levy

Jellal and Erza and Lisanna.

Erza they've left to search at sea while we look around in town.

" Let's meet up here" said Levy.

"Are you sure?" Ask Lucy "Should we really split up?"

"Its just for an hour. Your phones are fully charged right? If anything were to happen then come here as quickly as possible" said Levy.

"I'll go that way" I said.

"Alright remember. Be back by an hour." Said Lucy and we split up.

Juvia POV

"Awesome" I whisper looking at Haruka swim.

"You want to swim too?" Ask Makoto.

I smile "was I also someone who liked swimming?"

My Sunflower (Navia/JuTsu/NatsuxJuvia)Where stories live. Discover now