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"Lisanna I'm sorry" I said while walking her home.

"What for?" Ask Lisanna.

"The promise of marrying you when we were little. I don't think I can do it"

She stay silent "We're here"


"The rain stopped. Can I borrow your umbrella? "

"Lisanna please listen to me" I said.

"I'll return your umbrella tomorrow in class"


"Bye" and she left with my umbrella.

"Sorry" I whisper.

I took out my phone and called Juvia.

" Hello"

" It's me Natsu" I said " Juvia you're at Lyon's place right?"

" Yes" she said and then I heard her screaming Lyons name.

"Juvia?! Juvia! Are you okay? What happened? Juvia?" And I lost connection.

Oh no. I begin to run as fast as possible to Lyons place.

I knock on his door and he opened quickly."thank goodness Chelia! The spider- oh hi Natsu"

"Move" I said and kick him away.

I look around and went straight to Lyons room.

"Natsu?" Said Juvia shocked.

I saw Lyons shirt on Juvia and I growl I look away and reach my hand out "come on. We're going home"

" But-"

"Look I'm sorry" I apologize and pull Juvia closer to me "I just got mad that you said I was your friend"

"Why?" She ask.

What does she not understand.

" Because Because...you're suppose to be my girlfriend!" I said embarrassed

She begin to blush.

" Come on" I said and drag her out of lyon's house.

"Natsu wait a minute" she said "Natsu!"

I stop.

" I-I...Going out in public like this is embarrassing"

I look at her and my face heat up. "Tch" she's wearing only Lyons t shirt. What an idiot. What if he took advantage of her?

I took off my scarf and tie it around her waist to cover up her thighs. I shook my head to get my dirty thoughts away.

"Thank you" she said.

Ugh I just want to squeeze her.

We got home quietly made our way to my room.

"Change" I said and threw some of my clothes at Juvia

"But Lyon-"

" Should I change it for you then?" I ask angrily while looking into her eyes.

"Are you mad?" She ask.

Of course! I'm so mad I just want to hold her.

"Is that a yes?" I said.

"I'll change"

I turn around as she change into my clothes.

I grab Lyons shirt and threw it in the trash. "Don't touch it" I said.

My Sunflower (Navia/JuTsu/NatsuxJuvia)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora