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"What was I suppose to do" said Zeref "She wanted to know"

Igneel growl "She doesn't need to know"

"Well if she's gonna be my sister in law soon then she should"

"You could've just told her!" I shouted

"You think someone will believe me if I told them?"

"Juvia would" I mumble.

"Here Natsu" said Happy holding a bowl of water and a towel in it "I switched out the water"

"Thanks Happy"

I look at Zeref but he's already long gone.

I walk into my room to see Juvia suffering. I sit down beside her and begin to wipe away her sweat.

She mumble my name and I clench the towel. "Calm down" I told myself and keep wiping her sweat and tears.

She turn to her side. I left the room and turn the water for the bath on. I waited for the water to rise.

"What are you gonna do" ask end.

"What am I suppose to do" i said.

"Should I go beat up that bastard for you?"

"Go ahead I don't care" I mumble and turn the water off.

I walk pass end and back to Juvia.

"We're going to go to the store. Anything you need?" Ask Igneel.

"No" I said.

"I'll get you your favorite food" said Happy.

"Thanks but no thanks happy" I said.

"I want some food too" said End.

"You're going with us" said Igneel.

"What?! Wait-" cry End as Igneel dragged him away.

The three left to the store. I begin to strip down Juvia leaving just her under clothes. I also did the same and then carry her. I walk to the bath tub and sit down with Juvia laying on top of me.

I begin to wash her gently. I reach for a near by hair tie and tie up Juvia's hair.

"Wake up" I said "If you don't I'm going to punish you"

I gave her a kiss on her bare shoulder.
Juvia POV

"She's a nuisance" I heard someone whisper in the darkness.

I follow the voice and then saw a light. I ran to it and my eyes widen.

"She's still a young girl honey" its my mom and my dad in the kitchen.

They're arguing again about me.

"I ran away from home. Cast away my relationship of the Loxar to be with you. We can barely provide for ourselves and you keep spoiling her. I told you to have an abortion but you wouldnt"

"She's our precious daughter"

"I cant keep living like this"

"What about asking for money from your cousin?"

"My cousin? Are you crazy?" My dad mumble.

"Why not? He's willing to help us. If we ask he'll even cover our debts for us."

"Then we'll still be indebted"

"Don't worry honey when you were at work yesterday he came by and told me he wants go help and doesn't need any repayment as long as we live a happy life"

My Sunflower (Navia/JuTsu/NatsuxJuvia)Where stories live. Discover now