Down the aislee

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Three years after Ria's death.(One year after the interview.)

I place myself two meters away from the priest and watch as Anaya aproaches in her elegant white dress, arm crossed with Ricky's. Yes, thats right, Ricky Bahl was walking Anaya down the aislee instead of Mr. Dubois.

Ricky gives Anaya a kiss on the forehead and places her hand upon Justin's, yes, thats who she is marrying.(Duh.)

As the priest readies the speech and papers, everybody positions themselves on the church seats, I take a last look around. On the two front rows are Anaya's and Justin's parents, Preeti and her husband and a few close friends of the Dubois's. When the priest is finally ready, I take in a big breath and wait for them to say their vow, and they are probably the sweetest things I have ever heard.

"Do you, Justin Blake take Anaya Dubois to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Do you, Anaya Dubois take Justin Blake to be  your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you man and wife." And a burst of applause breaks through the guests as many wipe their tears and hug each other in joy and merriment. I'm about to reach for a tissue to wipe my tears when somebody grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug. When we pull off we give each other a soft smile.

"I wish Ria was here." Anaya says, her voie about to break. I want to share my equal sadness with her but today should be filled with joy as its her big day, so I push her towards Mrs and Mr Dubois so they can share their happiness toghether.


We are at the reception at a hotel not far from the church. I am sat with my fellow bridesmaids and Preeti as her husband was outside talking on the phone. I pull out my phone and take a few pictures while the bestman gives his speech, soon it will be my turn.

I don't have a speech ready, I'm just going to say whatever comes to mind. 

And in case you were wondering, I did go back to Mumbai, about a month after that night. I visited my parents and told them everything openly, they were mad but I think Ria's death made them go easy on me. I'm not married and I don't I will be for a long time. As for Anaya, she went back to Paris, her parents were much more understanding of the situation and they pampered her as much as they could. We never lost touch, we would ocasionally call each other and text because video chatting was to painfull. Her and Justin have been dating for a long time until he fianlly proposed five months back.

"Can we have the maid of honour come up, please?" asks the bestman, bringing me out of my thoughts and making my legs go jelly with nervouseness. I walk on the stage carefully trying to avoid stepping on my dress or anyone else's for the matter.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen." I begin with a smile. "So, first of all I would like to thank Anaya for choosing me to be her maid of honour. I am very gratefull because this marks just how great our friendship is. Me and Anaya share many happy and sad moments, one of them was when we lost our great friend Ria."

At this point I take a deep breath as I will need it.

"And over the years people told us the pain will fade, but we knew it wouldn't, but that never meant that we couldn't be happy. It just meant that deep down we would always remember those old times whist enjoying the present and the upcoming future. So therefore i propouse a toast in honour of our  great moments, great memories and our great friendship!"

And everyone raises their glasses and cheers.

So thats it guys, the end of Paris-Mumbai-New York//Desi Kahani. I will miss all my greatest fans so much!!! But don't worry because I'm already starting a new story that I will update on weekends, Its called...

The Bad Boy and the Bucket List.

Please read it!!! It will be as good as this one.

InsideSnake XOXO

Paris, Mumbai, New York | √Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora