Nowhere that sad

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A week after Ria had revealed her story, she still wasn't willing to talk to the others because of shame, so she agreed to talk without turning on her camera turned on. 

The screen wobbles slightly while the girls place themselves in front of the camera (Sanvi and Anaya.) 

"So, tell us your story then." says Anaya, raising an eyebrow chellengingly.

"Oh, I will, but trust me. My one is nowhere near that sad as you guys. In fact its not sad at all." with that Sanvi gave a slight smirk. Just to irritate Anaya.

"Well go on then." said Ria quietly, from her NY apartment.

Three month ago, me and my cousin were running around a village, we had gone to visit my family  as we lived in Mumbai and didn't see them often. I had a kite in my hand and I was running between the corn fields, teasing my cousing to come and catch me.

"Sanvi, please yaar, give me back my patang." shouted Nidhi from behind me.

"Come and get it." I said while jumping over a puddle.

We ran around until suddenly I slipped on some mud and fell hard on my face. Above me I heard Nidhi scream in anger as I sat up, my face caked with mud.

"My patang, what did you do Sanvi?!" 

"You're worried about your kite? Look at my face."

"Well you deserve it ." I give her a shove but she gains her balance very quickly and didn't fall, her attention was taken by something so I turned to find a water well. I slowly rubbed off the mud with my two hand using the suprinsingly cold water. Nidhi came to my side with a cloth and she held it out to me so I could dry my face.

"Sanvi, check it out. There's a boy looking at you. And he is HOT." she said in a whisper. 

I turned to see who she was referring to and saw  a group of boys, one of them staring at me. I couldn't see him clearly but I recognised him instantly, however my cousin couldn't know that. 

"Seriously, don't you have anything better to do?" I said in a annoyed tone, turning to Nidhi. "And beside, how do you know he's new?"

"Me and my friends have a black diary with the info of every boy in the village and their photo." she said, still breathless, staring off into the distance. I moved in front of her and blocked her vision of the boy, she tried move around me but I grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Uncle sends you to school to get an education, not waste time on boys." I grab her arm and drag her away towards the field on the way to home.

"yaar, you're from the city, you should be more interested  in boys than me, and look at you giving lectures like a grandma." teases Nidhi while giving a peek behind her.

I slap her lightly on the head and she complains, and the whole way we go on like this, shouting and teasing each other, unaware that disaster was going to strike when we got home. Once we reached our family home's , I noticed my aunty anxiously looking around the street, when she saw us her eyes became icy.

She csme forward and grabbed me by the arm, she put my dupatta around my head and ushered me through the back door into the kitchen. Nidhi a few paces behind us.

"Grab the juice trey and go to the dining room, and walk in nicely and smile." she fixed my dress slightly and frowned at mud on my salwar, shaking her head.

"But chachee, what's going on?" I asked confused with Nidhi at my side.

"A family have come to see you." she said, pushing me towards the door. But kept hold of my position, frowing at my aunt.

"A family?" I asked.

"A boy's family. For marriage, now go! They have been waiting to long."

I wanted to protest, I didn't want to get married yet, especially to some village boy, but I didn't get a chance. My aunty walked me towards the dining room with a juice tray in my hands.

 Inside were my parents sitting next to each other on a couch and sitting opposite them were three people. A man and a woman, both middle aged in patiala clothes and a boy in his 20s. 

He smiled but I just glared at him, furious.

Thank you to #ParizaadeDvn for the awesome cover. Hope you guys vote.

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