Mrs. Bahl

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Ricky parked his car in front of a house. It was family sized but very pretty, with wooden doors and white polished bricks. As the girls got off and unloaded their stuff, a woman came out of the house.

She was pretty, with cat like eyes and an easy going smile. She came forward and hugged Ricky before taking a good look at the girls.

"Girls, this is my wife Ishika." Ricky introduced them. They each shook her hand, and although Ishika had no idea who these three strangers were, she welcomed them in her house quite graciously. As the girls settled their laguages at the front room, Ricky explained the situation.

"Well," said Ishika directly at the girls for the first time "since there is a lot to know, i'll make us all some tea, it will help to take it all in."

Anaya, Ria and Sanvi settled on the couch in the living room, while they heard the kettle boiling the door in the kitchen. Ricky sat opposite them on a plush chair snd loosened his tie and began telling them the events occured five years ago.

Ricky used to be conman. Like Kukkad, he tricked many women in many ways, but he only travelled around India using various factors such as romance or bussiness to attract them. Eventually, three of his 'victims', Raina Parulekar and Dimple Chaddha amongst them, planedwrF VX to get their money back by using Ishika as bait. They created her a fake identity as a very rich woman and tried to fool Ricky. Although he found out it was all a scam, he still fell for her. Ricky left behind his cunning life and started a family with Ishika.

"So you didn't go to jail?" asked Sanvi, shocked that he would get away with such crime.

"No." answeared Ishika for her, carrying their tea on a tray and cerefully setting it on the table in front of them. "He didn't. Instead, he payed for his mistakes and got on."

"Well, we're all very happy for you." said Ria with a fake smile, disapointed at the fact there wasn't any way Ricky could help them. Ishika handed them each a cup of tea and they sipped, thought fully.

"Papa?" said a squeaky voice from behind them, the girls turned to see a little boy in muddy shorts standing at the door, he quickly ran towards Ricky and hugged him fiercly. This must have been Ricky and Ishika's son.

As Anaya, Ria and Sanvi watched the happy family, they realized that how ever mush happy they were for them, Kukkad will not be gettin his fairytell ending.

And they were going to make sure of that.

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