Straight to my heart

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During the whole meeting I had to seat next to mum and dad. Clearly neither of them liked this more than I did, but nobody ever denied my uncle. That creep kept staring at me and smiling and I felt like grabbing him by the throat and strangling him, while his parents just asked the most stupind questions.

E.G. What do eat at breakfast? Do you know how to make daal makhni? Can you have babies?

Once the meeting was over I could feel myself and my parents give a sigh of relief, but unfortunately the journey to hell wasn't over. My aunty spent the next 20 minutes explaining how the boy worked at a calling centre and owned two tinsel houses. I wanted to say that I live in Mumbai in a real home, but mum gave me a warning look.

Eventually I managed to sneak out and went to see Nidhi, she was in her room eating pizza and when she saw me she just burst out laughing.

"How is your future hubby?" she managed to splutter out unattractively. I slapped her hand and sank on the bed, my head spinning at the thought of marrying that boy. I was so worried and panicked that I ended up falling asleep.


At last my uncle had agreed to let me graduate before I got married but till then I had to stay engaged, so a week after the meeting a hall was booked invitations were sent and here we are now at the party.

I'm wearing a yellow/orange lehanga, in the middle of the dance floor looking at people when somebody grabs my hand and spins me around, I'm about to tell Pawan(the creep) to let me go when I realize its Raj, a boy I've been on one date with before the summer holiday started. I stare at him amazed, but then notice my aunt looking my way and put enough distance between me and him.

"What are you doing here?" I say, panicked.

"Nice to see you to Sanvi." he says smiling, then grabs me by the hand and dances. I dance along to seem less suspicious and I lead him slowly off the dancefloor towards an empty hall.

"If my parents find out who you are, they will kill me and you. Please Raj, go away." 

"First of all, your parents are the ones who invited me, I live around here. And besides I can't let you get engaged to someone else." he takes my hand ad tries to take me back inside, but I stop.

"What are you planning?" I ask. But he doesn't answear, insted just winks and drags me inside.

The song Punjabi Wedding Song (Haess Toh Phasee) is playing and I spot Nidhi doing the exact dance routine with a group of her friends, I feel panicked at the thought of landind myself and Raj in trouble but decide to let loose, and we dance full desi style. At some point Pawan tries to join in but Raj puts himself  inbetween us, blocking his way.

The music stops and Nidhi comes to take me towards the loveseat, as its time to put the rings on. My aunty fixes my dress slightly and the explains to all the guests that it is said that in our culture that when a boy put a ring on a girls fourth finger on her left hand, they are connected to the heart. I look at Pawan and realize that he can put that ring on any finger but he will never touch my heart, not when he is such a creep.

Pawan takes a small dimond ring off a leather box and takes my hand, creepily smiling, the ring is at the tip of my finger when someone pushes into him from the back and the ring falls on the ground. Raj, the one that pushed him,bends down quickly, giving me a look, picks up the ring and slips in on my finger.

He turns to Pawan and apologise, and ushers away. And as I put a ring on Pawan's finger, I realize Raj has just connected straight to my heart.

To all my readers, thank you so much for your support. Also, out of these three actresses m favourite is Pareeneti, so Sanvi's story will be longer.

Irrelevant to the story: to everyone who watches Kasam Tere Pyar Ki (on Rishtey) I would like to tell you that Rishi's nephew Nakul will fall in love with Tanuja. I like the drama but sometimes they come up with the most stupid storylines.

xoxo InsideSnake

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