Justin genius

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Uttsada Panichkul as Justin Blake.

The cafe, in wich they were going to meet Justin, was in the middle of the Goa beach, its glass panels were mostly opened to let the gorgeus smell of the seaside in. The three girls entered through the doors, their eyes scanning for any signs of Justin.

In their imagination, Justin was a strict army commander in a polished uniform, with many badges in his side pocket.

However, no such person was there in the cafe, and a few minutes passed before Anaya noticed a man, in his mid-twenties, talking on the phone while looking their way. She poked Ria, subtly moving her head in the man's direction. They had  only one way to find out who he was, so they walked in unison toward the plush leather chairs.

"Excuse me, but are you Justin Blake?" Ria asked as confidently as she could.

"Depends on who's asking." was the man's response, a grin forming on his lips as he switched off his phone. Anaya notices a small badge on the man's upper pocked, it initials were carved as "JB", which just confirmed Ria's question. The other two girls noticed the badge as well and asked no further, instead they sat in front of him.

"So, you already know why we contacted you," began Ria "so how do find KKK?"

"KKK? the terrorist group?" he says atonished.

"No, Kukkad Kamal Ka. The guy." says Sanvi, an amused expression on her face.

"Ok, nice name, but you better be careful about using it in public..." caustions Justin. "Anyways, before we get to work I need you all to tell me the full story."

And turn by turn the girls re tell their story, blushing and clenching their fists many times. At one point Anaya sheds a few tears, making Justin sympathetic enough to give her a tissue and reasuring her that it wasn't her fault she was scammed.

"Well, I can't help you until I do some further research, but I can tell that a very similar case had come to light before." said Justin, taking some notes on his pad.

"You mean regarding KK- sorry- I mean Kukkad?" asks Sanvi, her face scrutinizing Justin as if she was going to read his mind at some point.

"Possibly. You see, about five years ago a bussiness woman in Mumbai claimed in front of media coverage that she had been tricked by a man to buy a fake famous painting, but at the time people just thought she was making excuses. " Justin clears his throat before continuing "Until now, as I think that "Kukkad" could potentially be the guy. The video should still be online."

"Do know the name of this woman?" questioned Ria, feeling like they were finally getting somewhere with their mission.

"Yes, her name is Raina Parulekar, she used to work for Synergy Communications." narrated Justin as Ria types the information on her phone, her face clearly hopefull.

The four of them said their goodbyes and shook hands, Anaya held his hand just a little too long and flirtly said she was looking forward to their next meeting.

"Me to." said Justin with a slight smile. 

Ok, so in  this chapter I gave you a HUGE clue regarding what my suprise might be, read every name carefully. Also, 18 days till competition ends (Chapter 9 for details).

XOXO InsideSnake

P.s. check out my new story Khoka 420.

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